This project was featured on Knock Off Decor! Can I get a what what!

So, this is the project that I've been working on.

So, this is the project that I've been working on.
For. The. Past. Week.
Seriously took so much longer than I planned. But I heart it so it's worth it, right?
I originally saw this pillow at Crate & Barrel. The price? $59.
Gorgeous? Yes. $59 for a pillow? No thank ya. So I'm going to make one myself. Cause I'm cheap I enjoy a challenge.
First step? Pick up some felt at Hobby Lobby. Spent $4 on a yard of it (and could have gotten away with a half yard, I have a ton left over). Then I cut it in a 17x17 inch square.
Then I traced out some circles so I could cut them out. The sizes I used? A quarter, the lid to vitamin C supplements, and a half dollar.
Then cut out the sixty bazillion circles.
The description to the pillow says that the edges are singed for texture and depth. So I did the same thing. Used a candle to slightly singe the edges. Warning! These can burn fast, don't hold it too close.
The singed one is on the top, the non singed one is on the bottom. Can you see a difference?
Then I laid out my circles to get my layout. I handsewed my circles, which took FOREVER. But I do have a certain 7 month old who decided this week that I can't put her down, so I could only sew for a few minutes at a time, or after she went to bed.
Then after it's all finished (don't judge my ugly backside), I sewed the front and back together. Don't forget to leave an opening so you can flip and stuff it.
And then you flip it, stuff it, and sew up the hole.
And it's fabulous and you love it and think I must be awesome to be able to handsew all of those circles and make them look perfect, right?
Well, I won't lie. Some of my circles looked like this awesome circle.
And some circles, you'd swear that I was drunk while I sewed them.
- Keep the felt moving while you're singing the edges. If not, you're not going to end up with a circle. You're going to end up with a blobby thing when the flame melts away the fabric instead of singeing it. See photo above. Oops.
- I normally just leave a 5 inch opening in the pillow. But since felt doesn't have a lot of stretch, I'd leave a bigger one. You don't want your fabric to stretch out while you're flipping it.
- The reason I handsewed it is because I wanted the stitches to be more visible. I couldn't get the stitches with my machine to show up, no matter what stitch length/tension I put it on. But you may have more luck than I did.
- Don't forget to clip your corners before you flip it. I use a chopstick to get the corners nice and pointy.
Love it? Hate it? (Please humor me and pick the first one. My ego is fragile)

We all love a good party!

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Great work. I love it!
omg, i love it. totally want to make one now.
I have such a thing for circles! I might have to try this out :)
Wow, actually I love it! I like your color better too :)
SUHWEET! Love it and your blog, just found it, come check mine out! :D Keep up the good work!
I do love it, I do! Was that wool felt or ecofi? I wouldn't think the wool would melt when you try to singe it, but I haven't ever tried. I want one, too, but whenever I make anything out of felt all the dog hair in the universe sticks to it. So sad.
I definitely like your color choice better. You know, I know some great artwork that would go with your gray, geometric theme...
Seriously, you are amazing. I love it and your patience even more. Looks great.
I LOLed at don't judge my ugly backside.
That is amazing. Like...ahhmazing. You did a fantastic job and I'm super duper proud of you! Making this must have required a lot of patience and will. I would have made half and then gotten so frustrated that it would have been tossed in the " to do eventually " pile for sure!
LOVE!!!!! I think that this would be super cute with different color circles. Maybe for our patio :) lol
LOVE IT! Great tutorial, I might feature it on my blog this week so stay tuned! Thanks for sharing!
I am loving that pillow! I really like it in the gray.
Love. It. Seriously, that is awesome!
PS - I also love your nails. I've been dying to buy that nail polish.
I DO love it!!! The only thing that could make me love it more is if it had buttons added to some of the circles..but I'm odd like that :) Amazing job!!! My kids are just like yours....they ne ver seem to want or need anything until I am knee deep in a project......ugh!!
What a great pillow!!!
THis is SO cute! You won a giveaway over at my blog :) EMAIL ME! HUGS
The pillow looks wonderful, a great knock off! You did really well with singeing the felt, I would have more than likely burned the whole lot into a molten mess, great tutorial!
Wow! The pillow looks amazing, Jennifer! It looks like a meticulous job to cut all those circles of felt, but the end result is definitely worth it. I'm loving it! I am now following you thanks to Social Parade Follow on Friday, and it would be so nice if you could share the love back on my blog;)
Also today we have the coolest blog hop there is... no rules just fun and would love you to join in with us at Boost My Blog Friday, where you can meet lots of friends and have a great time:) See you there!
Happy Friday
Wow! It looks great! The price they were asking for is insane when you can make it yourself!
I'm here from Chic on a Shoestring and I love it!! Unfortunately I'm like Kristen with lots of dog hair floating around, lol, so I'm not sure it would work at our house. It's so beautiful though, I'm tempted.
I just found your blog and am your newest follower. This pillow is fab, fab, fab! I'm not a sewer, but I could totally get behind a glue-on version of this little treasure. Thanks for the great blog and inspiration.
Wow, it turned out so cute! I can't believe you sewed on all those circles, I would NEVER have the patience!!
Love it! I also hand sew my embellishments to my pillows. I may try your technique! Love the circles. Great job!
NICE!! I have loved that C&B pillow, too, but I think yours in the grey is even better. Way to go!
What a cute pillow!!! I don't know if I would have the patience to sew all of those down, so I have the utmost respect for you having done it!!! Beautiful results!
I love, love, love this and was wondering if you dont mind if I feature it on my blog next week and if I could use your photo of the finished pillow on my post? Let me know.
So cute! Love it! I SO need to make some pillow covers . . .
That is SOOO cute! I love it! What imperfections? It looks perfect to me! ;)
That turned out so cute! I don't see any imperfections either. Great job! Thanks for linking Flaunt it Friday!
Awesome job!!! Loving your finger nails too!!!
m ^..^
This pillow is adorable! Great idea!
Love this pillow! I think I would have lost patience with hand sewing on about circle number 3!
i think you did a brilliant job on your knock off pillow...i'm certainly impressed with all the hand are very neat indeed...thanks for sharing on ff!
stuff and nonsense
I've been wanting pillows for my sofa with texture. This just might be the answer!Thanks for the creative inspiration...Not sure I can spend a whole evening hand sewing circles though...might take a couple of glasses of wine and then who knows what they would look like.
Great pillow! So fun to make it yourself and save a few bucks, in your case more than just a few bucks! Visiting from Dittle Dattle.
It turned out cute. :) A fun little decor item.
Tnx for linking this up at my party this weekend! :)
Hi, there. Popping over from Sew Chatty. I love a good knock-off and this one is superb. I think I like it better than the original. I especially like that some of your circles were only one layer.
Oh my goodness, that is so dang cute! Great job on all that hand stitching. I can imagine it taking :) Thanks for the blog visit & comment love!
Love it! I have to make one for myself. I don't think I would have to patience to sew each one by hand. Good job. We will be featuring you on our blog ziggycrafts.blogspot!
I saw your link at Not Just a Housewife. The pillow looks great, I'd take it instead of the C&B pillow any day!
Love it!! Came out so cute. I hadn't heard of singing felt. I love the hand stitching. It shows up so nicely.
I just stopped by from TCB's Get Your Craft On.
Jennifer... that is adorable! How long did it take you to do it?
You did a fantastic job on this pillow! Really I LOVE it so much you have got mad sewing skills! I want to make one of these but don't think I can sew the nice stich on the circles. Great copy, might even be better than theirs(C&B)...Thanks for sharing. :)
hiya jennifer i love this cushion it is just gorgeous , great tut. too tfs
ps lovee your 2 white cushions in the finished photo xxmaggiex
Love this cutie-great job-I'm a new follower-come over to visit-Claire
love it! fire scares me! but the pillow is awesome. lol thanks for sharing it at my party!
I actually like your knock off pillow better than the one from Crate and Barrel. Looks great! I love making pillows, so this goes on the list.
Thanks for the inspiration! :)
This turned out great! Thank you for all of the tips. I may try this, though with my 8 month old I'm sure it would take forever and a day too. ;)
This turned out so cute! I think your circles look great - mine would look awful - not like circles! Your pillow is darling!
I love it! and i have a ton of red felt left over from a valentines wreath that I did and cut out all those circles was a PITA.
wow- loving it!
I totally love that you show pics of things you find at stores, the price, and then challenge yourself to make it!!! Fantastic!!!
This turned out amazing!! I'd love for you to submit this to the M&T Spotlight at
I featured you this week at my Hookin Up with HoH link party!
Feel free to stop by and grab a button if you'd like.
~Allison @ House of Hepworths
I love it...imperfect circles and all!
Jen, The CSI project is having a pillow challenge. This pillow would be perfect. Here's their link
love knock offs, love crate and barrel .)
Stop by and feel free to link up to my MAKE & SHARE first edition friday and saturdays.
I LOVE it!!!
I can appreciate the time factor. Some projects you swear are too easy not to finish in, what? Two hours? Those are the ones that make you sorry you started. I am 600 away from a 1400 count yo-yo quilt. But, I'm using free garage sale sheets so I have nothing into it but time. Blissful!
I love the "charm" of the hand stitched circles.
your pillow is fabulous!
Oh, you did such a great job! That pillow is a knockout! Thanks for linking up!
Love it! You knocked if off WELL...
esp that you took the time to singe all those circles.
C&B has nothing on you.
"Cause I'm cheap I enjoy a challenge." made me giggle.
Thanks for showing this off at Creative Juice... :)
I love it
loved your tute! Thank YOU! Great job.
I featured this tutorial on my blog at: Congrats! Grab a button from the post!
Very nice job! And all those "oops" simply add character!
Visiting from My Repurposed Life.
Great job! I love it!!
You have such patience. It turned out great, and you sure can't beat the price. Future heirloom for your children.
Love it! Thinking it would look fab in BUBBLEGUM TONES... love it!
Great pillow! I am a pillow freak(current count on my bed is 9)and I would love to try this. Love the singed edges on the circles but fire and I are not friends.Sewing machine hates me too, but that's okay. I am gonna Fabri Tac the circles down-it may not have the character of the sewing, but it's all I've got.
Honestly? I mean, you SAID you wanted honesty.......
I like yours WAY BETTER!!!!! There's something about that lovely charcoal-y look with the slightly uneven circle here and there that makes it WAY more interesting both texturally and visually. TOTALLY STEALING THIS IDEA!!!
Yeah I'm trying this! Thanks for the step by step intructions. To Cute!
ooh - I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I must try! now if I could only find some time to sew...and evidently cut out lots and lots of circles LOL
This is fantastic! I am definitely going to be making one. I may just have to make some as presents too!
Love it! I am going to make one too! I have been looking at this pillow at Crate and Barrel for months... and I just found your blog... I can totally do this to! Thanks!
i love it! looks amazing..
Just found this via Curbly via Pinterest. Love it. I also fell in love with the C&B version. I'm totally going to try it...handsewn and everything...thanks for the inspiration.
Thanks for sharing.
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