We spent our day starting on the bedroom makeover. Yes, the bedroom makeover I talked about in my Home Goals for 2011 got started on the last stinkin' day of the year. I won this cutting edge stencil from Bella Before & After's Sponsor giveaway a few months ago. But we all know how expensive paint is, so it got put on the back burner. That is, until my father in law got me a super awesome gift card to Home Depot for Christmas. Thanks Steve!
It's not an ugly beige color like the picture is showing, it's a really pretty light gray, and I did the background color in pure white. So pretty! But please excuse the crappy cell phone pic. The camera is in the bedroom. And since Lover spent all freaking day helping me paint, the least I can do is let him sleep in a bit. I would have loved to gotten it all finished yesterday, but it didn't happen. Our ceilings are 12 feet tall, which seems a hell of a lot taller when you're up on the ladder.
So, what are your resolutions for this coming year? Besides the obvious "eat healthy and exercise, blah blah blah" that is on everyone's list (yours truly included).
Mine is to be more organized. I'm starting that out with a chores list. I'll admit, I'm not the best at being domestic. I know, I know. As your favorite blogger, I'm supposed to be super crafty with a perfectly clean, organized house. But I'm missing the "organized" gene. Which I'm sure, makes my OCD husband want to punch me in the head most days. Lover will ask me when the last time is that I changed the girls sheets, and I'll admit, there has been a time (or four) that I've been like "Uhhhhhh....". Well, that's gross.
So I need to write it all down. Besides doing house stuff on the first of every month (touch up painting, since our builder's flat paint shows EVERY fingerprint and scuff) and Magic Eraser on all the doors, I need a list to keep me on track.
Here is my rough draft, but I'm sure I'll tweak it a bit. I figure a two week rotation will be good. Enough to cover all the chores, but not too repetitive.
I didn't want to write down every single detail, but bathroom would be toilets, tubs, mirrors, etc. Arielle and Jasmin "clean" their own rooms, but I would do trash clean up (I swear, one day you will see Arielle on Hoarders, that child keeps EVERYTHING).
And I want to be a better blogger. My Highs and Lows posts are hit or miss, and half of the time, I forget the highs and lows of my week, so on Monday mornings, I'm racking my brain and searching my Facebook profile to get a recap on my week. So I want to start writing stuff down as it happens, and being a more regular blogger. And I want to get better at commenting on other blogs. Comments make my freaking day, so I can spend 14 second to write a comment on other blogs I read.
My last resolution is to find more time for friends. My girlfriends and I always say that we need to get together more. But with kids, husbands, and other life stuff, it rarely happens. So I want to change that. Get togethers at my house, nothing fancy. But none of us are the "go out and party and get trashed" types. Our girls nights are "Nights in with wine". So I'm hosting my first party at the end of this month. The theme (yes, there's a theme!) is "80's". And yes, you must come dress in your favorite 80's attire. It'll be totally, like, tubular.
So what are your resolutions?

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Happy New Year! I've been bad at commenting lately too! I actually weeded out some blogs I was following in order to be able to enjoy the ones I like more.
And I'm focusing on organization too. I'm doing the 40 bags in 40 days thing (just search for it on Pinterest if you haven't heard of it) where you basically go through your house in 40 days and toss/donate crap you don't need. I have about 94.000 tons of crap I don't need around here. :)
And we stayed home last night too. I think we were in bed by 9:45. Livin' it up around here...
Oh, and I LOVE the stenciling. Wanna come do my house?
You wall is looking awesome, can't wait to see it all done! I'm with you on organization, I start out good and then just get overwhelmed...hmmm maybe I just need to teach my toddler to clean :)
I'm excited to see what your bedroom will look like!
I've kind of been doing the same thing...putting my bedroom on the backburner because of the cost of paint. I know you can go to WalMart and buy it for cheap but I've found that I like the designer paint better and I'm willing to wait for it.
And, I think having a schedule that is lightly flexible is a great idea! It would be silly to put a dozen things on the list for each day...you're already doing all of those things and don't need to be reminded. But, reminding yourself to pull weeds stops them from over growing and suddenly taking over your whole weekend.
Cheers to a happy and healthy 2012!
I've been watching your progress on FB! It looks absolutely fab, and I can't wait to see it all together. I am back on the blog block... it was my most important resolution, and I am going to make it happen! I miss all of my friends!! Let's keep each other honest on the chores, mmkay?
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