Monday, January 9, 2012

High and Lows, 1/9/2012

I am actually writing this post on Sunday night, getting it ready to post on Monday morning like it's supposed to. Yay for keeping up with my New Year's resolution! (so far).

Life, Crafts and Whatever

As always, we're starting off with lows. 

  • Jasmin has had a cough off and on for the past 2 or 3 weeks, so when Ava started having a cough and runny nose last week, I didn't think twice about it. Arielle told me on Thursday morning that she was coughing and didn't feel good, I took her temp, and when she didn't have one, I sent her off to school (I'm not a mean mom, she had been playing on her DSi for the past half hour, so I figured if she was really that sick, she'd be in bed). So I sent her off to school. I get a call ten minutes after school starts, and it's the nurse, telling me that Arielle is wheezing and I need to come get her. I call the dr and make all three girls an appt for Friday morning. Figure that Jasmin had been sick, and Ava had a cold, I might as well bring them all in. The verdict? Ava had an ear infection, Arielle had an upper respiratory infection, and Jasmin (the one who I wasn't even going to bring in since she was fine) had freaking strep. Oh. Em. Gee. Thankfully they're all doing better (the dr treated them all for strep as a preventative) but talk about these kids keeping you on your toes. 
  • I got a few nasty cuts on the nailhead trim while we were working on our headboard. What the crap is it with me hurting myself on projects lately? I guess it's like my father in law says. "The project isn't finished until somebody bleeds." It's on the underside of my left index finger between the two middle knuckles on your finger (does that make sense?) but it hurts to move my finger. Blah.  
  • Freaking Dexter. We finally finished the season, and oh em gee. I have to wait how long until it comes back on? 
  • My headboard project isn't turning out how I planned it in my head. I was planning all black, thick foam with a nailhead trim. But the trim looks cheap (even thought I spent $30 on it) and I'm afraid that it'll be bubbly since it only has the nail holes every 5th head. Ugh. I've seen some plain headboards on pinterest, so I'm trying to wrap my head around just keeping it plain. I dunno, maybe the wall is so busy that a plain headboard will be good? Crap.
  • My house looks like a bomb went off. I'm in the middle of re-organizing everything, and I think the rule is that if you're trying to organize, the area you're organizing must look messier than it's ever been, and make you think that you should have just shoved all the crap back in the drawer. What's wrong with having 4 junk drawers? Geez.
  • Worked on our new bedroom headboard. While I'm not sure the direction it's going in, it was SO FREAKING nice to do a project for me. Hubby helped me, and it was great to spend time with him, doing something for our house.
  • Had a great night with the family on Saturday. Took them all to Red Lobster. The service sucked, but it was such an enjoyable time. My "difficult" child (Arielle) has been such a joy to be around.
  • I got a new blender (yes, the things you get excited about as an adult). I want to try the green smoothies I keep reading about on Pinterest. So we hit up Costco and got a bunch of spinach and fruits. 
  • My sister in law has decided to be serious about working out and eating right, and started blogging every day about it. I'm so stinkin' proud of her for making that decision to not be unhappy anymore. Plus, she's planning a Beauty and the Beast themed wedding, how neat is that? I see amazing things in her future. 
  • I found a new show that I love called Renovation Realities. Basically it's people who have little to no experience with renovation, taking on projects like ripping out a kitchen and updating it. And of course, they always think they'll be able to finish in 4 days or something. 
  • I'm trying to get the house organized. So I spent some time making labels yesterday. I figure if it's pretty, I'll want to use it, right? 

      I think that's it. Today's agenda is clean. And clean. And clean. Anyone want to come and help? I have cookies.



      1. Oh man, I still have sore fingers from stapling my headboard :) Hopefully you will get your's where you want it to be! Sorry about all the yuck-iness going around your house, sick kids are the worst they are so sad. Heading over to check out your sis's blog!

      2. That sucks about the sickness. I've got a puker this morning. Gross.

        And I hope you find something you like for the headboard. I can't wait to see final pictures of your room! My room is the lamest in the house. I really should do something about that...

      3. what kind of cookies?! haha cleaning is super therapeutic for me...have a fun day! :-)

        I am doing a THEIT CAMERA BAG GIVEAWAY on Color Issue...I think you would totally love it!!!



      Yeah, you totally get 5 cool points for commenting.