After wanting to chop it off for years, I finally did it. It's SO much easier to fix. Instead of taking forever to dry and straighten (I've been blessed with really thick hair) I can have it finished in 15 minutes. Plus hubby says it makes me look younger. I'm turning
Hubby had another tattoo appointment. We have two appointments left, I'm so excited with how it's looking.
- FINALLY finished up the tray for my bloggy buddy LP. She won that thing FOREVER ago. I just need to throw some coats of clear on it, and it'll ship out on Tuesday.
- Finished up Ava's ringmaster dress for her birthday party! Can't believe that my baby is going to be one.
- Hubby took me to Red Lobster for my birthday dinner. My mom had the older girls for the night, so it was just him, me and Ava. Ava kept grabbing my arm, trying to steal my crab legs. Had a lovely time, I love that man. I told hubby that on my birthday, I just want a low key night at home with the family. Filets, corn and potatoes on the grill, that'll make me a happy girl.
- I won a cool giveaway for some crafting supplies. I heart free stuff.
- my wrist is hurting really bad. I have a ganglion cyst on my left wrist that acts up from time to time. Usually when it gets big enough, I'll pop it with a piercing needle and drain it (I know, ewww, right?). But I don't feel any fluid in there, and I can't bend my wrist. Don't know if I slept on it wrong? It even hurts to type, and of course I hold Ava with my left arm, so that's making it difficult.
- Had a horrible haircut before I finally got a great one. Jour Salon in Rockwall? Yeah, you suck.
All the cool kids are doing it.
1. | Shaydes of Life | 3. | Rachel @ Pleased as Punch | 5. | Julie @ It's Sew Stinkin' Cute | |
2. | Daily Polkadots | 4. | Janice @ Whimsy-ma-blog | 6. | http://lidyscreations.blogspot.com |