I'm 6 weeks and some odd days pregnant today (7 weeks on Monday), and I already have a good sized bump. What the heck? I know they say that you show earlier with each pregnancy, but what the heck. The baby is the size of a chocolate sprinkle, and here I am, looking 3-4 months pregnant.
Although I can't complain completely. I wish I ate the way I am now when I'm not pregnant. Soda makes me sick. So does sweet tea. And I can't even look at my treasured sea salt and vinegar Lays. I've been drinking a crap ton of water. And I've been craving fruit and veggies. My new favorite thing just might be lemonade from Chic-Fil-A.
I have been feeling better than in the past couple of weeks. The all day nausea is finally starting to subside, and I'm able to stay up until 8:30 instead of falling asleep at the dinner table at 6. But with feeling better, always comes those nagging feelings of worry. Why am I feeling better? Is everything okay? I think with being a mom, it always comes with a side of worry. Is this pregnancy okay? Is the baby growing? Is my toddler eating enough? Is my kid doing okay in school? Is she picking the right crowd to hang out with?
We have our first OB appt on Feb 21st, and those appointments are always exciting, mixed with fear. The dr that we're using this time comes highly recommended by our personal friends, and by the NICU staff at the hospital that Ava was at for those billion days. She does a sono at every appointment, which I'm excited about. But it's so scary, cause I haven't had the best luck with first sono appointments. I was previously married a bajillion years ago and had three miscarriages, right in a row. But my body never gave me any signs of it, it wasn't until I went in for my first appointment, they can't find the heartbeat, they whip out the sono machine, and oh so sorry, bad news.
But I'm just keeping busy, and trying not to worry so much, even though that's part of being pregnant.
I've been pinning a billion things for my sister's wedding. It's been nice to have a distraction. She loved one of the flower girl dresses that I pinned and said it's another thing checked off of her list, so that's a good feeling to know I helped.
I've started taking a Mom's study up at the church on Wednesday mornings. It's supposed to help you be a better mom with help of the Bible, scripture, etc. So far I'm kind of whatever, but we are just two classes in, so I'm staying positive. One of my good friends invited me to the class, and another two ladies that I really like are in the class, so that's been fun.
Hubby started a blog, but I'm not going to link to it for now. It's about fitness and working out. Manly stuff like that. He joined some magazine fitness competition, and the winner gets a year of free supplements. So while he doesn't expect to win, it's been fun to read. Plus he brags on what an awesome wife he has, so that's been fun to read too. :)
So I think that's it.
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Jen, lay your worries at the foot of the cross and let God take them. I'm so happy to hear you are feeling better.
I didn't know you had 3 miscarriages :( So sorry!! you've had 3 beautiful babies so I'm thinking number 4 will make you family even more perfect! I'm sure you are growing a boy who will have super fabulous lashes and will be a little heartbreaker :) Chin up pretty girl!
Pregnancy is such an emotional and physical roller coaster!
Hope you find magical storage bins of energy to help you get through this first trimester!
And I totally relate to looking super pregnant while the baby is the size of a pea. Super annoying, huh? And of course, six months later, it's not like I'm gonna jump into a bikini!
I think you're off the hook for not blogging as much as you'd planned; not only do most of us do that, you're busy, lady! And pregnant! :) Take care of yourself and that lil peanut!
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