Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Little bebe update

So, I had my 12 week OB check up yesterday. I have to admit, I was totally nervous all day. I mean, 12 weeks, when the chance of miscarriage drops. 12 weeks, when you can finally feel like you're feeling better because you made it to the second trimester and not because something bad happened. And I'm speaking from experience here. 3 missed miscarriages a billion years ago (where your body doesn't realize that you miscarried, so you never bleed or cramp, and it's not until the dr can't find the heartbeat that you know it's bad news). So yes, 12 weeks is a big deal to me.

Hubby went into the room with me for the check up. Last appt, they kept him out in the waiting room until the sonogram part, and he was PISSED. The doctor explained that most men are uncomfortable with the pap smear part, so they just keep them out of the room. Hubby informed her that is not a donor or a bank, and he will be in the room from here on out. Gotta love that man. 

Luckily the doctor started the sonogram right away. I instantly focused on the little fluttering of the heartbeat, and breathed a huge sigh of relief. Bebe was moving around (which I still can't feel), stretching it's legs, rolling over. It was incredible. Heart rate was 160, Bebe is measuring a week ahead at 13 weeks 2 days. 


  1. I'm so excited for you guys! And very happy to hear that your heart can rest easier today getting over that 12 week hump. :)

  2. That is so great! I love passing that 12 week mark! congrats again!

  3. Yay for making it through the first trimester!!! i love when the baby moves for that sonogram, so much fun!!!

  4. Seeing/hearing that heartbeat is one of the best parts of being preggers! congrats!

  5. So so so so happy for you! I can't wait to help you celebrate a new baby!!! So stinkin excited for you! And... I get to see you in about 9-10 days... eek! Miss you and glad you are doing well!

  6. So glad to find your site looking for soap scum cleaner. Awesome passing 12 weeks congrats. I'm making you one of my favs.


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