Friday, March 23, 2012

InstaFriday. The 3/23 edition, yo.

life rearranged

My father & sister in law came to visit last weekend. We see my FIL every couple of months, but it's been so long since I've seen Sam. Love her! Lotsa good talks and bonding. Plus, Lover is designing her wedding invites/program/save the dates/etc. Gotta love having a graphic designer in the family. She's the one having the Beauty and the Beast theme wedding (you can read about it on her blog). Did I mention that she's 5 foot 2, and her fiance is 6 foot 8?

We went to the Harbor while they were here. I really love where we live. There are lakes around us, and the harbor is so cool. Lotsa restaurants, live bands during the summer, gorgeous views, a lighthouse. Ava loved the fountains.

Did I mention that there is also a Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory at the Harbor? If you've never been to one, you're missing out. They have dipped apples in so many different toppings. Lover and I always split a rocky road apple. Chocolate, marshmallows, 47 million calories. So good!

Afterwards, we let the kids run around. Jasmin didn't get to play much because Arielle told me that Jasmin said "Shit". So of course, Jasmin was in trouble for that and had to sit out. But after talking to her about it, turns out she saw it written somewhere, and was just sounding out the letters (like they've been working on in kindergarten), not knowing what it was going to say. So not in trouble after that, just had a talk about giving me all the info and saying "Hey mom, I saw it written down so I was sounding it out" so she doesn't get in trouble.

This is why I love my husband. I was on my way to pick him up to go to our OB appt, and I forgot to bring my water. Love how well he knows me.

Miss Jasmin is playing t-ball this year, and Jake is one of her coaches. He was Arielle's coach last year, so every year he switches who he coaches. Love how involved he is with my girls. Jasmin played soccer last year, and it was so painful to watch that we may have told her that they aren't offering soccer this year. Seriously, my child was the ding dong running in the wrong direction, or staring at the clouds.

I won a $100 gift card to Poppy Tree Frames (I suck and can't remember the blog I won it on, sorry!) and picked up these frames. They're gorgeous, and HUGE! I got all three of them in a robin's egg blue. Gorgeous!

Poor Titan is banished outside today. We ran out of dog food and bought him a different kind (so we didn't do the slow change over like you're supposed to). So he's been gross and pooping and yacking everywhere. So sorry, bud, you're an outside dog today.


  1. I'm the first person to love you up today. Yes!
    I freakin love those frames! I'm looking for something similar right now. I have a bunch of 5x7s to frame and I don't want a bunch of different frames for them. I want one cool frame times 12.
    Your family is adorable. Just so ya know.

  2. We love the Harbor too, great in the nice weather! Looooove your frames, they are stunning!

  3. I always love reading your blog just so you know. Oh and I love that picture of us!


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