Monday, March 19, 2012

Highs and Lows 3/19/2012

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Life, Crafts and Whatever

  • I really can't think of any. That's awesome. 

  • A stranger accidentally ran over the girls scooter when he pulled into our driveway to turn around. And instead of ignoring it, he came to the door, apologized, and bought the girls a new one. Kinda renews your faith in people.
  • My father and sister in law were in town for three days. Ava had an upset tummy for the first two days, which made it hard, but on the third day she was back to her normal sweet self. 
  • I've hated our dining room table since we bought it. It was metal, glass and slate tiles. But the legs flared out so anytime you'd try to walk around the table, you'd bump the legs and make the entire table shake. And the tan seat covers looked like crap, and the metal backs of the chairs would catch your clothes and hair between the slats. So I've been looking at Craigslist, but finding a wood table with 6 chairs and no fabric or leather on the seats for a good price was turning out to be impossible. After searching for a couple of weeks, I found an ad last night that had just been posted 15 minutes before. Solid wood table, 6 chairs with a wine rack/buffet table in great condition for $350 OBO. I offered her $300 and she accepted. Hubby and my father in law went and picked it up last night. Took them two trips, but I ADORE it. I feel like such a grown up. I want to do a pretty centerpiece with a distressed wooden box and plant some succulent plant thingies in it. The first two pics are hers, the last pic is when it's set up in my kitchen.

  • Arielle and Ava had a dr's appt on Thursday. Arielle's was her one month check up on the ADD meds, and she's doing so well with those. Seriously, she's like a totally different kid, such a pleasure to be around. Ava had her 18 month appt (and NO shots needed this appt, woo-hoo!). 
There ya go, folks. I think that's it.


  1. Love your new dining set, what a great deal!!!

  2. no lows! That's amazing! And I love the new table.

    And I really want to link up this week - I hope I can. We just got back from a week in Florida and it was super fun.


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