Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday to our princess!

One year ago today, our sweet girl, Ava Grace, was born.

Which began our 66 day stay in the NICU.

Tears, headaches, and six surgeries later...

We finally got to start our lives outside of the NICU.

This sweet girl has been such a blessing.

Always has a smile on her beautiful face.

Always knows how to make us laugh.

LOVES her daddy and always wants to play with him.

But thinks Mommy is the best one to snuggle with.

Thank you Lord for this precious, perfect girl! Happy Birthday, Sugar Bear!

I love you to the moon and back.



  1. What a happy day for you all! Happy Birthday to your daughter. She's adorable.

  2. Happy 1st birthday to your sweetie!! (and congrats to you, three kids and you rock!!!)

  3. What an amazing story she has lived. Happy Happy Birthday!!

  4. Hope she has a great birthday! I can't wait to come play with you on Friday and then come back on Saturday for the shindig. Hope ya'll have a wonderful day! <3 Julie

  5. She's so adorable! How great to be where you are now and able to look back on everything you've been through and know Ava is so great!

  6. Big freezing cold birthday hugs from Canada, Ava!

  7. Happy Birthday to Ava! I just read her story...WOW! Thank God for modern medicine.
    My son had surgery at 6 months old for a inguinal hernia. It was hard to see him in too big hospital pajamas and that big cage looking crib. I can't imagine what it felt like to have your newborn having all those surgeries.

    Is there still a need for onesie donations?

    Hope you have a great day celebrating Ava!! :)

  8. such a blessing!!! happy bday and many more!

  9. Happy Birthday, Ava! I hope all your surgeries are behind you!

  10. happy birthday Ava! such a beautiful girl!! may all your years ahead be filled with joy!

  11. Happy Birthday Ava! Such a blessing she is. :)

  12. Happy Birthday AVA! Such a sweet and beautiful baby girl :) I'm sure her party will be awesome, can't wait to see pics!


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