Thursday, August 11, 2011

Kix. Kid tested, Mother approved + GIVEAWAY

School will be starting up in a next couple of weeks. My girls aren't exactly the best at waking up early, so I need something in the mornings that is quick, easy and nutritious. Some mornings we do fruit and oatmeal, other mornings we'll do scrambled eggs and toast. But on those mornings that things aren't just running smoothly, cereal is our trusty standby. But just because it's cereal, doesn't mean I want something that's full of sugar, marshmallows, or other stuff my kids don't need in the mornings.

So when General Mills offered to send me 6 boxes of their Kix cereal, I happily accepted. 

I remember eating Kix when I was a kid. The “Kid Tested Mother-Approved” cereal has no artificial colors, no artificial flavors, or no artificial preservatives and is the same great taste kids have loved for more than 70 years.  

Are you jealous of all my cereal goodness? Want to get your own? General Mills has graciously offered to send the winner 6 boxes of your own! 

Ways to enter...

Required entry: Must be a follower of my blog. Tell me you are, and what your breakfast routine is on a busy school morning. 

Extra entries...

Follow me on FB +1

Share this on twitter/fb/blog and post the link +1

This giveaway ends Friday August 19th at midnight!

"Disclosure: Kix cereal, information, and giveaway have been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark."



  1. I'm a follower. I feed my 13 month old son oatmeal so it isn't too busy in the morning. I only have one child.

  2. I am a follower!

    Also, busy morning with kiddos equals waffles in the toaster with cream cheese and eat it in the car or microwave some cheesey tacos.

  3. I'm a follower! And its either oatmeal with a little brown sugar, or honey nut cheerios for the little dude.

  4. we don't do school yet, but i work full-time and drop off my kid at daycare, usually we have cereal or just a glass of milk (bad mom!)

  5. I am now a follower. My little ones aren't in school yet but we usually do cereal, instant oatmeal, or sometimes I make pancakes or french toast. =)

  6. I am a follower. My daughter fixes her own breakfast (she's 12). Normally it is cereal but she is working on learning to cook, so sometimes eggs.

  7. Now a follower and liked your page. Will also post.


  8. I'm a follower! My family eats cereal and eggs for breakfast.

  9. I'm a follower! :) I normally feed my kiddo (19months) cereal when it's an on-the-go kind of morning.

  10. I am a follower of your blog and my morning routine? My kids are older now and drive themselves to school so I usually make them peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to eat in the car. I usually make myself a protein shake.

  11. I'm a follower. Breakfast is cereal twice a week, the other mornings are eggs, waffles, and oatmeal.

  12. I'm a follower... my morning are not to bad I have one of my own but take care of 2-4 other kiddos during the week. We have something different every morning like french toast, pancakes, eggs, omelets .. and are allowed 2 cereal days (thats the kid's rule for me LOL)we dont do sweet & sugary in this house! I have a great bunch of eaters on my hands! <3

  13. We normally have fresh fruit and toast but definitely have our cereal days FO SHO! :o)

  14. already a follower, thanks for offering a give away! mornings start at the crack of oh dawn thirty in our house so cereal is most often eaten as a evening snack.



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