Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Kettlebell Fitness Challenge? Let's do this!

I've been MIA on blogging for a minute. My youngest is turning one tomorrow, so I've been doing a bunch of crap for her party on Saturday. I have, however, still had time to bitch about those 4 lbs I want to lose. 

My friend Erin, who blogs at Life in the Dub Lane, is going to be doing a kettlebell challenge on her blog, and I kept thinking about it. Especially since she posted pictures of herself in a bikini, and my immediate though was "Bitch! Ugh, she looks so fabulous". (Sorry, doll. That's the price you pay for being an uber hottie, Erin. Love you!) So if a kettlebell will get me a body like hers, I'm game.

The challenge starts on September 5th, it's a Monday. The workout calls for you to commit to half an hour a day, 6 days a week. Now, I sucked at Insanity and P90X. Mainly because I'm lazy it's hard for me to find an uninterrupted hour every day to do it. Half an hour? I can do that. 

There will be a weekly LinkUp on Erin's blog for you to post your progress. Progress includes a PICTURE. With your face in it. Form fitting/figure hugging clothes are best to see progress. You must wear the same outfit in every photo so it's easiest to see the changes. If the outfit gets too big? Hell, that would be awesome.

The link up will be each Sunday {as that is your day off}.  

Details regarding link rules will be posted as we get closer to the start date.

At the end of the 8 weeks, there will be a nice award for the TWO participants that achieved the greatest results. One participant will be chosen by Brook Benten herself and the other will be chosen by Readers Choice. The prize?
Brook Benten has graciously offered to give the 2 Winners each a set of her entire DVD Library.

Have questions? Erin explains more about it here

Need some more motivation? The DVD normally runs $30, but there is a current Groupon going on where you can get the DVD for $20. 

A DVD, on sale, that helps you become more of a hottie than you already are?

I've ordered my DVD, and I need to pick up the kettlebell (a 10 lb one is suggested if you're just going to get one. Erin says the best place to get one is Target). 

Are you going to do it with me?



  1. I might just have to do this. I've already lost 25 pounds without exercising. Why not stop the laziness and pick up some kettlebells, eh?! I think I shall. Let's do this!

  2. I think (a little hesitation) I'm in...have the kettlebell, just need the videos :)

  3. *sigh* ALL RIGHT. I'M IN. You convinced me. You MIGHT have to kick my ass a couple of times, though.


Yeah, you totally get 5 cool points for commenting.