Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Rockin' the Baby Bump

Have you entered my giveaway yet? No? Go do it, and then come back and finish reading. 

No, I'm not pregnant. Let's just get that out there. But I do love a new link party. Shell at Things I Can't Say is hosting a link party where you can post pics of your baby bumps.

So since I was asking you to vote for my daughter's picture yesterday, I can at least show you the belly bump that she gave me.

I was lucky enough to have a bunch of photo shoots when I was pregnant. Here are a few from those.

So, apparently I really like that side profile. Huh. 

I also was lucky enough to do some couples maternity pics with my hubby. Heather King took them for us, she was also my engagement and wedding photographer. If you're near Dallas, I'd really recommend checking her out. She's a sweetheart, really laid back. You'd love her. 

I just found a maternity pic of myself in her photo gallery, where I am, surprise surprise, facing the left side of the photo. I'm sensing a theme here. 

Here are a few that we did with her. I really loved them. 

This next photo always makes me laugh. I had a photo shoot, and they asked my husband if he would like to come along and take some couples pics. Hubby was teasing me about something, just being silly. One of the photographers was shooting video, and this is a still shot from it, where hubby is teasing me, and I'm making a face at him. I didn't know we were being filmed at the time.

Oh, and so I don't leave you with the illusion that I'm always fabulous, even when I'm pregnant, here is one last pic. I was on the hospital on bedrest for low fluids (Ava had a birth defect that we found out about at 16 weeks, so they monitored me closely during the pregnancy.) I think I was 32 weeks here? We had Ava at 35 weeks. I look HUGE in the pic, but I only gained 25 lbs. 

Gotta love a belly tray!



  1. Great pics Jennifer! I love them all. Is that a back piece you have too? And what a difference on your arm piece, can really appreciate the recent work so much more seeing these :) And the hubby's ink is rocking too! I love your blog, it's so real :)

  2. Oh those profile pics are stunning!

    I love the one with your shadows- such a unique idea!

    Thanks for linking up!

  3. What beautiful pregnancy pics!! I wish I had done a 'real' photoshoot when I was preggers :) It is something to always treasure!!

  4. Wow! Those are gorgeous pregnant shots. I love the name on the stomach one :)

  5. Totally hot Mama! And wow do I ever love that shadow shot! Beautiful!

  6. you look fab! those are awsome pix!

  7. I loved these pics, you look really beautiful in all!! :)

  8. Great pictures, Jennifer! It's not my baby bump that I don't feel like showing to the world. That's all well and good. I mean it's filled with a wiggly baby boy who's bound to be the most adorable boy born in 2011. It's just the rolls of back fat, the jiggly jello arms, the monster butt and the thunder thighs that I'm afraid I couldn't hide from the camera. So I will NOT be rocking the baby bump. But your pictures were fantastic! I loved the one with Ava's name in the blocks.

  9. I added your button to my link party page. If I remember I will add it to my post on Thirsday and Sunday.
    If you have time and would like to hop over for a visit I am hosting my first linky party on Thursday.

  10. Love all these beautiful pics!! The camera loves you...pregnant and all!! I wish I had had more professional pics taken when I was pregnant!!

  11. You really rocked that bump!! and I love the last picture :)

  12. cute pics! I don't miss the bump though...after 4, I'M DONE!!!!! :)

  13. Beautiful. I love the shadow one.

  14. I'm not brave enough to have photos done when I'm expecting...but I can see why you did. You look great!


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