Monday, June 13, 2011

Highs, Lows, and a favor

Man, this week flew by! Highs and Lows is supposed to be posted on Sunday, but yesterday was a blur. You'll read more about it in my highs and lows. 

But first, I have a favor. My gorgeous, adorable daughter's picture was selected to be in the running for this weeks' readers choice finalist for Parents magazine. Each weekly finalist will receive $250, plus have a chance to be one of the 10 finalists chosen to travel to New York City for the Parents Cover Contest photo shoot. Umm, yeah, that would be awesome.

Click the photo to enter. Voting goes until the 19th. Seriously, I would love you forever if we won. Super easy to vote, you don't even need to register, just click "Vote" and enter a captcha. I'd do it for ya, but I can't.

So, now on to Highs and Lows. I haven't had many people linking up, but that's okay. I do it because I enjoy it, it's a nice reminder of how my week went.

Life, Crafts and Whatever


  • Got my arm tattoo finished on Monday. I heart it, the guy did an awesome job
  • I stayed up until midnight last night, working on the girls shirts for VBS. Spent 2 hours putting beads on them, and blinging them out. Super tired today (which would be a low) but the girls smiles this morning when they saw the shirts turned that into a high. 

  • hubby finally got his 3/4 sleeve started yesterday. He has a tribal shoulder cap, and they're adding onto that. The guy, Casey Cokrlic, free handed the whole design. It's two koi fish, with bamboo shoots and cherry blossoms (the same ones that I have on my tattoo), and there are waves and wind. We go back on the 4th for color. I'm a sucky wife, and don't have a finished pic. So here is a crappy one from my phone. 

  • I went from 499 followers to 526 in a week. What the heck? That's nuts! So I'm doing a giveaway to celebrate. Have you entered?
  • I'm working the registration booth this week for vacation bible school. It's totally mayhem in there, but it's so refreshing to see all of those children learning about Jesus. 
  • Got an email from a reader, saying how much she enjoyed my blog. So nice to read. Hi LC! 

  • I didn't get to finished my peacock tattoo yesterday. But it's partly a high. My tattoo appointment was at 1, hubby's was at 4. But I let him take my 1:00 spot, in case his tattoo ran long (which it did). So had I gone first, he wouldn't have been able to get the outline finished. And he's thrilled, which turned my low into a high. Okay, a medium. 
  • I got to go to my favorite thrift store, which is awesome. Found a small ceramic bathtub, which I've been looking for FOREVER, for $5. Score! Then I got home, dropped it on my big toe, and cracked the tub. Low and low. 
Hmmmm. not a bad week. So go vote for my precious girl, and enter the giveaway if you haven't. It'd make my day. 



  1. hey there - I voted for your little girl - so cute! I enjoy your blog also :) Like taking a walk on the 'cool' side for me ;)

  2. You know I voted for your sweet baybay.

  3. Voted for Ava. She's such a doll.

    And I'm prepping highs and lows in my head. I'm sad that I'm only linking them up about 50% of the time. You'd think a little post about my week wouldn't be hard to get to! Of course, you know how pathetically few and far between my posts are, so you also know that I'm impressed at how often you whip out a fun post!

  4. I am over visiting (and following) from my blog - you left me a comment on my up and down post :) You have such a cute blog! Thanks for visiting me.


Yeah, you totally get 5 cool points for commenting.