Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Somebody thinks I'm awesome

Okay, I just got this email.

Your blog Life, Crafts, and Whatever has been recommended by one of our readers to be featured as the Modern Nana Blog of the Week! Your website was chosen, not because it is specifically for Nanas and Grandmas, but because we love learning from creative people from all over the web. Thanks to one of your readers, you have been selected. We will feature your website on our site for the entire week, so make sure that you are updating your blog frequently for people to view. We will send you a reminder email the week that you will be featured."

 That's awesome! And I didn't even have to bribe anyone! You guys love me! You guys think I'm awesome! Or at least, one of you does. For all I know, the rest of you are here either due to sheer boredom, or you got lost on the way to another blog that is much cooler than mine.

Yesterday and today I've been busting my tail. My awesome father in law (who I just found out actually reads my blog, Hi Steve!) is coming in from St Louis on Friday so I wanted to get the girls bathroom finished up. Yay for knocking one thing off of my Home Goals List 2011!

So my mom and I spent yesterday painting the girls bathroom so I could put up the decal and shower curtain that hubby got me for Valentine's Day. Or, I could if UPS would ever flippin' deliver my shower curtain. The delivery date was supposed to be Feb 3rd. But due to the weather, it was delayed in Mesquite TX, twenty minutes from my house. And for some reason, even though I've received other packages from UPS since then, as of two days ago it was STILL sitting in Mesquite. It said it was out for delivery yesterday but due to "Emergency conditions beyond UPS' control" it wasn't delivered. And it says "out for delivery" again today. It better get here or I'm going to have to yell at someone. I understand weather delays and such, but come on, we've had temperatures in the 70's since then, I think it's okay to drive the twenty minutes out to me. Especially since you've been to my house three times since then to deliver other packages. Fingers crossed! Please don't make me yell, it's not pretty, mmmkay?

And I finished up another project that I'll be posting tomorrow. It involves subway art. And spray paint. And UFC. And awesomeness.



  1. I don't know who thinks you're awesome but I personally am here out of sheer boredom and pity. Not because you're amazing, or special, or amazing. Nope. Pity.

  2. Jennifer! I love your blog and Congratulations!!!! Lesley is just dripping with sarcasm!! She is a HOOT!!!

  3. @Lesley, you're here because I bribed you. Duh. :P You know you love me.

  4. I'm here for the fellow-crazy-mother camaraderie. And because I know you'd like to hear that my son peed all over my bathroom today because, "I thought I was done peeing, so I walked away. But, well, I guess I wasn't." And thanks you, dear child, for doing that in my bathroom.

    Oh, and I think you're awesome. ANd your blog deserves all the wonderful accolades it's been getting.

  5. Congratulations! Your blog is awesome and you totally deserve recognition. :-)


Yeah, you totally get 5 cool points for commenting.