Thursday, February 17, 2011

UFC + subway art = home decor?

So, this craft was totally inspired by my hubby. But first off, I have to give props to him.  Remember in this post, I talked about our Valentine's Day, and how he bought me the wall decal and shower curtain I asked for? When he got home last night, he told me to close my eyes. And before I opened them, he told me "I hate that none of your Valentine's presents were a surprise for you. So I wanted to get you something that you weren't expecting, just from me." And when I opened them, I found this. 

I've been saying that I want a dremel for a while. Yay for surprises! And can I get a "what what!" for a husband that actually listens to me when I talk. And because I know he actually reads my blog... love you baby! My mind is already churning with crafts I can do with it.

Now on to our regularly scheduled programming.

You know, I see a lot of beautiful rooms in Blogland, in magazines, on TV, etc. I mean, seriously, they're gorgeous. White and cream colors with pops of pink or turquoise. China plates displayed on the wall and little ceramic birds on top of doilies on the end tables. But what I don't see? Any shred of evidence that a guy even lives there.

When I buy or make stuff for the house, I really try to keep my hubby in mind. I mean, I want him to feel like this is his home, and he's not just a tenant in MY home.

I originally saw these pillows over at Sew Dang Cute, and really fell in love with the burlap and red subway art one. I mean, swoon! Gorgeous, right?

She has a really great tutorial that uses iron on transfer paper, but I make mine a bit differently. I'm a rebel like that.

We're not coffee drinkers, so I wanted to make a version that involved something that hubby and I love. And that ended up being UFC. So the first thing I did was talk to hubby and get together a list of our favorite fighters. I sized it at 17x17 and did one inch margins. What does the 83 stand for, you ask? I told you here that we went and watched UFC on our wedding night, right? It was UFC 83 that we watched.

So I had hubby print it at work, since he could print on 11x17 paper. He had to print it on two pages, but those were easy enough to tape together. 

I didn't use iron on transfer paper, and while her method would be faster, I don't have a great printer, nor do I have transfer paper. So I use what I have on hand, which is freezer paper. I had a heck of a time finding it when I was shopping for it a few months ago, I couldn't find it at Walmart. And here I thought that Walmart had everything? I did end up finding it at a grocery store called Tom Thumb, I think this huge roll cost me $9. 

So, our next step is to rip off a sheet that's larger than our paper. Then I taped the printed paper to the freezer paper so it wouldn't shift, and started cutting out my letters with my exacto knife. 

And then repeat this 647 million more times until all your letters are cut out. 

So after you get the cramp out of your hand from holding the exacto knife for so long, you'll get out your cutting board and your fabric, and cut your fabric to size. I got this fabric at Hobby Lobby for $3 a yard. It's almost like canvas, but has a lot more texture to it, but it's not quite burlap. It's pretty cool.

Next, you'll get out your ironing board, and iron the freezer paper stencil to the fabric, shiny side down. The heat causes the freezer paper to stick to the fabric.

Next, I brought it outside and started putting on light coats of spray paint. Yes, you can use spray paint, you don't have to use fabric paint. You'll just want to make sure to let it completely dry so it doesn't smell like paint. After a day or so, you can't even smell the paint. I read about spray paint on fabric on another craft forum I frequent, and I love the results. It's less "hey, I painted on my fabric, look at my craft project" than using craft paint (even if you add textile medium). I think it gives it more of a screen printed look.

And then after 6 or 7 light coats, I lost count. 

After letting it dry, I took off the freezer paper. It comes off really easily, just rip it off. Just be careful on the edges if your fabric likes to fray.

I do run an iron on the back of my fabric after I've pulled off the freezer paper. I don't know if this actually does anything for it, but I figure, you heat set a bunch of other stuff, might as well do this too.

I did end up with a few spots that bleed under the paper, but I like it. Adds to the charm, right? Mistakes = charm

 Then it's just as simple as pinning the two pieces of fabric, right sides, together, and sewing it. Remember to leave a hole on one side so you can flip it inside out and stuff it with your pillow. 

It helps to clip the corner after it's sewn, it makes the corner look nicer when you flip it. Make sure you don't clip thru the seam. I did two rows of stitching, one at a quarter inch and one at half inch. I did that because the fabric wanted to fray, and I didn't want it pulling apart after it was stuffed. 

Then it's just as simple as flipping it right side out. And I just noticed that hubby's MMA hand wraps are sitting on the ottoman. Fitting, huh? I use a chopstick to work the corners out (no matter how many times hubby tells me that our nice chopsticks aren't for crafting).

Then you'll want to stuff it with your pillow form. I happened to have an extra one laying around. Not because I spilled a coke on it and ruined the pillow cover. Nope, nothing like that. 

Then you'll sew up the hole in the bottom.  And VOILA! Gorgeousness ensues!

And then make your hubby show off the pillow in his best "tough guy" pose. That's a crucial step.

* Make sure you keep the inside parts of the open letters (letters like O, Q, R, P, etc). You can then iron these pieces on when you are ironing the stencil onto your fabric.
* I use another piece of freezer paper on the back of my fabric. I iron it on before I spray paint so the fabric is sandwiched in between both pieces. Keeps the spray paint from getting on the wrong side of my fabric if the wind blows.
* If you are going to do the above option, I would iron on the back piece first. I think when I ironed on the back piece, the heat caused my stencil to bubble a bit, which may have caused it to not have such a great seal, which caused a couple of the letters to bleed a bit. 
* When you're spray painting, don't hold your spray paint can at an angle. If you have any areas of the stencil that didn't adhere, the spray paint will go under your stencil edges, causing the letters to bleed.
* Put your favorite UFC Fighters/coffee types/etc in the middle of the pillow. Hubby's favorite fighter is Wanderlei (Silva) and I put his name on the bottom so it could be the biggest. But when the pillow is stuffed, you can't easily read the names on the outer edges.

Are you going to make one?


Time to par-tay!


  1. Love it and your husbands face is even better.

  2. I had such a duhhhh moment reading your post..why had I never thought of using spray paint? Thanks..can't wait to try it.

  3. Love it! I want to do subway art, but don't have the patience to cut out the letters like you did! Your patience paid off!
    p.s. I hope you can join my giveaway for a free custom printable!

  4. Ohh! Spray paint! I'm thinking of doing some sheets-converted-to-drapes and stenciling something along the bottom, and I wasn't looking forward to dabbing fabric paint all over the stencil. But spray paint, ahh, that's quick and easy! And I'll just count on the ripples in the curtains to cover my screwups! Yay!

    Do you happen to know if you can reuse a freezer paper stencil? Or would I need to cut out multiples?

    I only freezer papered once and it was a while ago...but yes, I have my $9 huge roll that I also had to go to the grocery store for instead of Walmart.

  5. So the Mister wants to know why Im not creative like this and why I cant make him a UFC pillow. I told him its because hes not nearly as cute as your husband...

    I better start making that pillow so I can sleep on the couch with it! HA!

  6. That looks and sounds like a lot of work, but it turned out beautifully! And a big YAY for a husband who listens *and* surprises you with gifts! :-)

  7. 647 million times! it was worth the effort. Love it. Like the freezer paper tip as well

  8. very cool pillow! i'll put that on my list of 637 million things to do!

  9. I have to make one for my husband!!! Not looking forward to the exacto knive part though.

  10. Great idea!! Love the UFC theme. GSP is my absolute fav!! Love to watch him fight :)

  11. great way to make subway art into a pillow!

  12. Love it! And don't tell but I like yours better. It looks so much better!! Great job!!

  13. Love the project it really looks awesome!!

  14. Love this pillow! You have so much patience to cut all those letters out. Was totally worth it!

  15. Great project! & your going to love your drummel! I love mine & have used it on so many different projects :)

  16. OMG, this is great! For those who know what UFC is, it's hilarious! I love it!

  17. This turned out great. Love the red and the graphics could be changed to so many different things. Now I have to think of some that my boys would like. I know my middle son would like this one. He's into MMA.

  18. I will be putting this on my list! I just told my Hubs the family room was gonna be his Man room. And we got engaged the night we saw a UFC ;) I love when they come to the midwest.


  19. Stopping by from Funky Junk. One quick look at the titles and UFC just jumped out and slapped me! We ♥ UFC in this house!

    Wow, what a awesome idea! I had attempted to make the burlap banners back at Christmas using the freezer paper and fabric paint method. I completed two, one for me and one for a friend. My hand was cramping too bad!! But I might just have to give the pillow a try. What a great memento to celebrate a special time for both of you!

    BTW, has anyone ever told your husband that he looks a little like Forest? LOL!!!

  20. Jennifer- The results are so professional. I would have never thought to use spray paint on fabric. I just went out and bought that $15 bottle of fabric medium from Golden!

    If you have a moment this weekend, please link up your UFC pillow and share this with my readers!

    Creative Juice

  21. Great pillow!! I'm so going to have to try this out! I love that you did UFC, that's so cute and way to get your hubs on board with the crafting :)

  22. Lovely pillow. very nice tutorial. I am sure I will make one.

  23. That turned out great. I'm your newest follower. I'm having my first link party tomorrow (Monday). It would be great if you could stop by and post your project.

  24. Holy cow! I was excited to see this post on Funky Junk's site because my husband and I are major UFC fans too. Then I started looking around your site and realized you and I have a lot in common! My name is Jennifer too and UFC PPV was on the night of our wedding too! Glad I found you, I'll be following from now on! Can't wait to show my hubby this project, I'm sure I'll be making one once I do!

  25. *lol* My husband LOVES this! He said he was concerned that you did not include BJ Penn, but he's okay with that because you did include Rich Franklin.

    Glad we cleared that up. ;)

    Wonderful "out of the octagon" thinking!!

  26. This looks great. I have filed you away in my inspiration folder.


  27. This is so beautiful! I would like to invite you to share this post on my link party, Masterpiece Monday, at my blog, Boogieboard Cottage. The link will be up all week. I hope you can join in! Have a nice week, Mary :O)

  28. I love how it turned out! Congrats on having a great, gift-giver of a hubby! I found you from Skip to My Lou. I would love for you to check out my blog!


  29. This is not only a fabulous pillow, it's a great tutorial. Thanks for taking all the time to share the details. Love it! and YES, I will be making one.

  30. Thanks for linking to Creative Juice! Hope to see you back this Thursday.


  31. I saw this through a link on "Not Just a Housewife" and it totally jumped out at me! We love UFC in my house, and I love all the fighters on your pillow!! Such a great idea to use spray paint on fabric, I had never thought about that. Thanks!!!

  32. That really came out well. I think I'll have to pass on trying to create one though. Cute photo of hubby and the pillow.

  33. this is why i want a silhouette! i love this, but my hand hurts for you, just cutting out all those letters, you did a fantastic job. i love the shot with your hubby, to funny. thanks for sharing this at my party.

  34. My husband would die if I made him that pillow. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing!!

  35. I like it! Such a neat idea for a pillow. And I like what you said about including your husband in decorating your home.

  36. Great idea! I love to use painter's drop cloth for my painted pillows...when washed, they have a soft, nubby texture. And they hold the paint well...
    Jane (artfully graced)

  37. OH, mY! I absolutetly love this!! Too funny that there is a craft project relating to UFC!!! but I love it! love both! Thanks for sharing, found you from between u&me link party!

  38. Hi, I feautred your pillow on my "Top Ten Fav Posts" this week at Boogieboard Cottage! Thank you for joining in this week and have a nice weekend! Mary :O)

  39. Found your blog via The Shabby Chic Cottage and LOVE this tutorial! I can't wait to try it. Thanks for sharing!!

  40. Love this!! Subway art on a pillow = awesomeness!!

  41. Wow, this looks awesome! Loved the helpful tips at the end - thanks!

  42. Wowsas...thank you SO much for linking up and sharing :)


  43. super cute! great tute too!
    thanks for sharing @ ccc!

  44. I LOVE this. I'm going to make one for my dear friend who moved away from me in PA to Oregon. I'm going to put words from her life here in PA. She's pretty homesick, so I think she'll think it's just dandy! Thanks for the idea! And...spray paint? I'm so down with that!

  45. This is so great! My husband and I are big UFC fans...we were lucky enough to attend one when we were out in Vegas! I might have to make him this pillow! :)

  46. My button had a boo-boo but a band-aid has been added...please replace your code with the current code on my page. The new button is smaller too...

    Sorry for the inconvenience.


  47. Love it!

  48. This whole idea is amazing. You made something that is absolutely adorable, but that your husband will adore as much as you do. Genius! Thanks for linking up!

  49. first, you have a great hubs there! second, who knew you could use freezer paper like this? amazing how it turned out...thanks for sharing it on fridays unfolded!


    stuff and nonsense

  50. Love the pillow and your hubbies mugshot! Thanks for linking to my party on Sunday, I'll be highlighting your pillow. I hope you'll come back again next week to show off more projects! Take care!

  51. O' that turned out great! I do love it!!!

  52. Hi Jennifer!

    Great post!

    I featured your pillow over at my wedding blog today! Stop by and say hi!

  53. How stinkin' cute are you! Love your blog (no really, i do - ppl throw the blog compliments around like free candy, but you've got a great blend of humor and reality stuck in there. love it :)

    Sorry for the all CAPS...I got excited :)


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