Monday, January 24, 2011

Swap Follower Link Party

Homemaker on a Dime has a great idea. Seriously, I love it.

Why don't you join a party that gets you more followers, instead of just keeping your fingers crossed that people will find your little corner of Blogworld and want to press that little button.

I try not to obsess worry about how many followers I have.
I mean, it's not that having more followers make you more cool.

But I do love seeing that follower number jump up. I was so excited when I hit 25 followers. And then 50. And when I hit triple digits? Oh be still my beating heart!

So this link party is perfect for those of you like me, the ones who want more followers. You post your blog, and in return, you agree to follow at least 2 blogs. But more than 2 is good too. Let's just hope one of them is mine.

So head on over to Homemaker on a Dime and check it out!


23 people love me:

SJ @ Homemaker On A Dime said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for joining, Jen! Hope this will be a blast for you, too :)

Dorothy said... [Reply to comment]

I came over from the Follower swap, and am now a follower =)

xinex said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for stopping by,Jen. I think this is neat concept so I just started following you...Christine

xinex said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for stopping by,Jen. I think this is neat concept. I just started following you...Christine

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Hey Jennifer, thanks for following my blog! I'm now a follower of your too! I love finding new cute blogs!!

Jamie said... [Reply to comment]

I'm a new follower from Homemaker on a Dime! I saw your site last week, and I love it! Especially your list of things to do before you have children... i should show it to my husband!

~Tonja~ said... [Reply to comment]

New follower through the link party...
Have a Blessed day

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I was already a follower of your blog! But found you again through the swap!!!

Lovin your blog!

Military Spouse House said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for "following" me! I am your new follower as well. I have to admit, my heart jumps a little each time I get a new follower as well. I had to literally 'lol' when you posted the pic. from Mean Girls-as much as I hate to admit it, the blog world does seem like that sometimes. :)

Love your blog by the way--and your design is super cute!


Court said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for following! I am now a follower of you :)

Michelle said... [Reply to comment]

Yay for this Linky party! Thanks for following my blog! Now I'm following yours :) And I must say, I'm loving your blog so far!

MJ said... [Reply to comment]

Hey Jennifer...thanks for stopping by. Im your #101.....woohoo! I'll be blog stalking later today.

Tiffany said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm your newest follower..and I'm excited to be following : )

Chrissy said... [Reply to comment]

What a great idea for a party, thanks for posting about it. Also, thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit and I am now a follower.

Larissa said... [Reply to comment]

such a cute blog! I'm following from the follow swap.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Hi Thanks for following Jen, I'm your newest follower and thanks for stopping by to leave a comment. Hugs Marilou

A @Let's take a coffee break said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Now following =)


Courtney said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for following me! I'm your #181 :)

♥ Courtney

Sam | Away She Went said... [Reply to comment]

I'm a new follower from the Homemaker on a Dime party! I love your blog. I L-O-V-E your Restoration Hardware French Animal Art turned out amazing!

signingcharity said... [Reply to comment]

My heart skips a beat to see new followers too. Thanks for putting that out there so I don't feel alone.

Rebekah Lindenmayer said... [Reply to comment]

Following from Homemaker on a dime. I love Mean Girls!

emilysnan said... [Reply to comment]

hi i am following you via homemaker on a dime and i am following you , maybe you will do the same x

Chocolate Drool and Kisses said... [Reply to comment]

New follower through the blog swap. Look forward to your posts!