Friday, March 9, 2012

InstaFriday. It's that time again, folks.

life rearranged

Here's a little glimpse into my day. Bath time. Eating. Cleaning up messes I didn't make. Nap time.

If you've been a faithful reader, you may remember me mentioning my hate for the Attorney General for trying to say my ex owed me $38k, despite me saying he's always paid. His credit score has taken a 100 point hit, they were trying to intercept his tax return. I even drove the 40 minutes into Dallas to give them the paperwork directly (which they promptly lost). FINALLY I checked my case status, and it says he owes me $0.00.

I made my chili roasted salmon for dinner the other night. Didn't even realize that I forgot to put in the red bell pepper. Oops.

I saw this semi hauling a ton of new pallets. How bad is it that I wanted to run him off the road and load up the pallets?

Finally got the 8 pillow orders finished and shipped. I was worried about getting them all into the post office (since Ava doesn't like to walk), but God Bless the three people at the post office who took 2 minutes out of their day to help someone. That selflessness made my day. Thank you, random strangers.

I needed the car on Wednesday, and since we're a lovely one car family, I offered to come pick up hubby from work, take him to MMA class, and then pick him up afterwards and take him back to work. We sat and watched the last 20 minutes. Ava wanted to participate. 

I love how good Arielle is with Ava. Arielle, Jasmin and I had to get our teeth cleaned on Wednesday, and Arielle watched her while it was my turn.


Arielle had an eye dr appt on Thursday morning. So I took her to Chiloso (my favorite breakfast place) for some one on one (plus Ava) time.

Ava and Daddy decided to come read to me one night. Ava LOVES to read.

This is technically from hubby's phone, but he tagged me on FB with this photo collage. 

How precious!


  1. I feel you with those pallets! Great pictures this week! would love to have you link up at my first ever link party today!

  2. All those pics are too cute! And thank goodness for kind people yes, that would of been like 7 trips.. not good! Happy friday!

  3. Yum! The salmon looks amazing, and yay for helpful people at the post office! :)


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