Saturday, March 10, 2012

Almost 1000 followers? How the crap did that happen?

Okay, am I the only one shocked that I'm at 995 followers? When did that happen?

I know a lot of blogs do giveaways at the "normal" numbers. First 100 followers. First 500. First 1000. I'm going to be different and say, when I reach 1007 followers, I'll do a $20 giveaway to a place of your choice....

either Target, Hobby Lobby or HomeGoods. Or if you win and ask me nicely, I could do a Chili's or Applebee's too.

Which place would you pick? 

Thanks for following, you rock! 


  1. Congrats girl!! You are 2 away as of this post!! And I think I would have to pick The HOB!!

  2. Someday i/'ll live near a Hobby Lobby, but I'de have to go with target.

  3. Ohhh I'd love a good excuse to go to Hobby Lobby! Congrats on 995! Thats just crazy :)

  4. Girl, that's too close to call. I will take any kind of money you want to send me!!!

  5. I think we like you :). I don't have a HL so I'd go with Target, the hubs pays for dinners out so Target would be all mine!

  6. As much as I'd love to buy some craft supplies, I'm too practical to turn down Target money! (I need some paper towels... haha!)

  7. I'd take any of those, actually. Probably, just a target card though, I'm just too practical. :) Thanks for the fun giveaway! And Congratulations!!

  8. I am a new follower - checking out your DIY scrum buster. Ohh but the GC, hmm, I drool over HL, but I shold rpop go with Target.

    nd congrats!!

  9. Crap has always happened, crap is happening, and crap will continue to happen. See the link below for more info.



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