Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Counted my blessings today

I got caught up looking at old photos of Ava yesterday. Sometimes I forget just how far she's come. From being premature and born with a major birth defect and needing 6 surgeries before she was 2 months old, plus 1 more emergency surgery the day after her first birthday, plus a battle with RSV, to being physically delayed according to ECI, and here we are with her walking all over the place and being precious and perfect. I'm so blessed to have her. Hug your babies tight today, I know I am.


  1. Such a miracle, you guys are truly blessed!

  2. God bless you! alot to have to dealt with but look at her now!

  3. I might feel like I'm looking at my own daughter if you weren't in there kissing her. I promise, even 21 years later(uh, I'm old!) you won't forget what she went through to stay in this world for you. I still think about that every time I look at my "baby"!

  4. Love it! Love you! I feel blessed that I got so lucky to find my way into your life! You an your adorable family are all amazing! Hugs all around! Can't believe my baby will be 5 in 3 days... Is it weird that the thought brings tears to my eyes? Deep breath... Sigh... I guess that's what they do... Get bigger that is... Hum... Lost in thought...


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