Thursday, March 15, 2012

1007 follower GIVEAWAY!

So, I'm pretty sure that I promised you a gift card giveaway when I hit 1007 followers. Well, I'm a few followers past that, so I'd say we're overdue! 

For this follower celebration giveaway, I'm going to send the lucky winner a $20 gift card to the place of YOUR choice! You can choose from Target, HomeGoods or Hobby Lobby! 

I'm trying out Rafflecopter for the first time, let's see how this goes. Giveaway ends March 25th at midnight, and is open to US and Canada.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congratulations!! So exciting! And thanks for the fun giveaway!

  2. Congrats on your number of followers........fairly certain you mentioned last week, if we asked really nicely....we could do Chili's as well, so I love to have Chili's with Target a close second! Thanks so much for having the giveaway!

  3. Congrats!

    I'd like the gc to Target, we don't have the others stores near by :(


  4. We have a new Hobby Lobby and I have never been to one so that's the one I would like to win. Congratulation on topping 1000!

  5. Congratulations on this achievement!
    I would choose Target.
    lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com

  6. I would LOVE a target gift card :) congrats on 1007 followers!

  7. I'd get the target card.
    family74014 at gmail dot com

  8. Congrats on 1000+! I love all of those stores...I don't know how I'd be able to choose!

  9. Congratulations on your growing blog...1000 is a HUGE milestone. Thanks for celebrating with all of us!! Blessings!!

  10. Thanks for the giveaway! Congrats for reaching 1000+

  11. I've never used rafflecopter, though I've had it forever. I'm so scared to use it! But, it looks like it makes things a lot easier and I'm planning on using it on my next giveaway.
    Anywhooo....good luck on your giveaway! I'd enter but there's none of those stores where I live. Y'know, in the middle of the forest. Picture the town in Once Upon a Time. Like the middle of nowhere...all local stores. Rats!

  12. Patricia Wojnar Crowley

    I would choose Target!

  13. I've been following you via Google Reader... but now I'm official with that other thing. :) I'm enjoying your blog a ton!

  14. Congrats on all the followers! How did you get so many? It's tough!

  15. Congrats on 1000+ follower! :)
    I would choose the Hobby Lobby gc as I like to go fabric shopping when I go to the States every summer. Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  16. Yay!! HomeGoods and I love each other :)

  17. I need a Hobby Lobby gift card. I'm teaching myself to knit and need a few more supplies.

  18. I am hoping to see a Target gift card in my future!

  19. I just realized I've been stalking you for months but the Google thingie doesn't even show I'm a follower! Well I just upped your number by 1 so count me in!

    I also learned there's a Hobby Lobby 34 miles from me and they have online shopping too so whether I win this fabulous prize or not, I'm going on a day trip very soon.

    Congrats on your milestone!

  20. Woot! What a terribly difficult decision IO will have to make, if I win... But I would prolly go with Hobby Lobby.

  21. I would like a Target gift card. :)

  22. I would love a target please! Congrats on the 1000+ followers!

  23. Congrats! You were one of the first blogs I started following along with Lesley's and I'm so thrilled for you! I would love Target!

  24. Congrats! New Follower! TARGET all the way baby ;) Momma needs a new swimsuit ;)

  25. I would have to get a gift card to Target, although I love all of the stores! I really want to get a cute little cafe dinning set for out patio off our front porch. I want to take my coffee outside in pretty Summer mornings and enjoy the birds!

  26. congrats on all your followers! I would love a gc to Target! Thanks and here's to many more followers!

  27. Who wouldn't want a free gift card! Love your new table! I'll take a gift card to hobby lobby if I win!

  28. I would like the Target GC if I win! Unfortunately, we dont have Hobby Lobby or Homegoods in Washington!

  29. I would choose either hobby lobby or target. I cant decide!

  30. thanks for offering the giveaway.

  31. I would choose hobby lobby. Then I know I would use it for me. ;)

  32. I would choose for Target.

  33. Congratulations on hitting 1007!! That's a lot of people who love you! I would love a Target gift card if I win. Thank you!

  34. I would choose Target. Love that place! Thanks for the generous giveaway, and congrats on 1007!

  35. I almost missed this! Dang vacations. I want to win! Pick me!

    And congrats on all the followers!


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