Sunday, July 24, 2011

Highs and Lows 7-24

So here we are again. Time for Highs and Lows. Pretty simple. Share the highs and lows of your week.

Life, Crafts and Whatever


Remember when I said that I was saved last month? My husband and I were baptized on Saturday by one of our great friends. So many of our friends came out to support us, and one of my best friends threw us a "We're all going to Heaven" party afterwards.

I was in a funk on Thursday. So Hubby brought me home my favorite chips, my favorite candy bar, a 6 pack of Coke, plus one more that was cold, since the 6 pack wasn't cold. Love that man!

My 11.5 month old is FINALLY starting to stand. Granted, she was a preemie and spent 66 days in the NICU, but our pediatrician told us to keep an eye on her since she refused to put any weight on her legs. She isn't pulling up yet, but will stand if you stand her up. HUGE sigh of relief.

Freebirds opened a location here in town. They have a program where the first 25 in line get free burritos for a year. Hubby was number 7 in line. He went up there Tuesday night at 9, and they opened Thursday at 11am. Freebirds did treat them well, fed them lunch and dinner each day, and provided them with restrooms, use of their soda fountain, electricity and Wi-fi.

On the bottom pic, hubby is on the far right, and the guy who baptized us is on the far left.

Hit up a new thrift store, where they had 40% off of your entire purchase. And all of their paperbacks were 50 cents, so I snagged a ton of books for the kids for 30 cents a piece. I even found this book, which hubby and I were just talking about. Remember these books and how scary they were as a child? Eek, the pics are still kinda scary.

I uploaded the tutorial for my necklace display to First time I've really checked out that website. I got an email that my tutorial was being featured on the homepage, and I got a one year Pro membership.

  • My father and sister in law came down to visit. It's always super fun. I even survived when she drove us to the thrift stores. Apparently Texas drivers are more aggressive than she's used to. 
  •  My fabulous sister in law helped me cut out a bunch of stuff for Ava's upcoming birthday party. Saved me a TON of time and sanity.


  • Found out that my uncle died. I wasn't super close with him as an adult, but I do remember going up to Michigan every summer when I was growing up to spend time with my cousins (my mom figured that with me being an only child, I needed to be around other kids). I feel horrible for the wife and kids that he left behind, they couldn't have been any closer than they were. I pray for their comfort.

So, all in all, not too shabby. 



  1. Congrats on being saved! You sound like a cool chick to spend eternity with. :). Seriously, congrats!

  2. Yay, congrats on being baptized! That's awesome :)

    And I totally remember those Scary Stories books!!!

  3. i remember those books!!! when i was little we would get the book on tape from the library and lock ourselves in my baby-sitters closet with the lights off and listen to them haha

  4. Yay for Ava standing! So exciting when you can stop worrying about stuff, huh?

  5. Sorry to hear about your extended family's sadness. :(
    Being saved sounds like the best high ever. Congrats!

  6. Yay, for Ava. Does she ever stop smiling? Congrats on tour baptism. What an amazing journey y'all have begun!!

  7. Congrats on your baptism. What a cool baptismal pool they have at your church.
    My late son used to love those Scary Stories books.
    Yay for Ava! Sorry for the sadness in your family. It's never easy to lose someone.

    Take care. You're awesome!!

  8. So glad Ava is standing up! It will only get better right!


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