Friday, July 15, 2011

Meet Rebecca's Whims + Discount Code

Today, lucky readers, I have the pleasure of introducing you to one of my newest sponsors, Rebecca's Whims!

Rebecca's shop is one of those that has a little bit of everything. Hand cut stamps, jewelry, brooches,  aromatherapy, original watercolor art... you could find a gift for everyone on your list. How cute is that tree stamp with the initials?? Love it!

A couple more items in her shop that I love. How cool is this? Rebecca can take a picture, and carve it into a rubber stamp. Imagine all of the possibilities! Who wouldn't love to have their blog logo as a stamp?

Another item of hers that caught my eye? This precious necklace. It's inspired by her son Henry, who lives with cerebral palsy. All proceeds of this necklace go towards their van fun. Henry has physical therapy and GI appointments on a regular basis,  and with 3 siblings and all of their sports and such, they need a van that can get everyone around. 

Her gorgeous butterfly necklace caught my eye. Vintage art, sealed onto wood, and then hand cut? Yes please!

If you want to get anything from her etsy shop (and I know you will!), Rebecca has offered LCW readers a discount code!

Here's the code: BLING it's for 15% off the entire order!



  1. That butterfly necklace is gorgeous!

  2. Thank you! I feel pretty darn good about my shop now!!

  3. I love the blue butterfly necklace. it is beautiful!

  4. The Under the Sea necklace is my fave! Thanks for posting!


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