Sunday, July 17, 2011

Highs and Lows 7-17

My giveaway ends on Thursday, go enter if you haven't already!

So here we are again. Time for Highs and Lows. Pretty simple. Share the highs and lows of your week.

Life, Crafts and Whatever


  • Came back from vacation on Tuesday, we spent a week in St Louis.  One of my biggest highs? Sleeping in my own bed. You don't realize how much you love your bed until you have to sleep somewhere else. Big props to my father in law who gave up his bed for hubby and I, and slept on the air mattress in the living room. 
  • Got our family and Ava's one year pics done this morning. LOVE LOVE LOVE the photographer, Jill Cornelius.  She did Ava's "newborn" pics (I put newborn is quotes, cause Ava was almost 3 months old by the time we did newborn pics, thanks to all of the NICU stuff)
  • The tray that I've been slacking working on for the last giveaway winner is almost finished. I've been lazy, and then we went on vacation. But it's almost finished LP, hope you still love me. 
  • Had girls night on Friday night with my girls Candace, Jen, Jenny and Michelle. Awesome, low key night. Love love love my girls. 
  • Not much else happened this week, which isn't a bad thing. Came back from vacay, got the food shopping done, and pretty much just relaxed.  


  • Didn't get hubby's car back on Friday like we had thought. So I will be car less again tomorrow. We got it fixed a while ago, but it's been leaking oil, and they broke the windshield wiper lever, so we dropped it off while we went on vacation. This shop is SOOO SLOW, but we get a great deal there cause of our church.
  •  Got attacked by fire ants when I was cleaning out the flower bed. See, that's why I don't do yard work. Grrrr.
Dang, I am not complaining about my week. I'll take any week where the highs outnumber the lows.



  1. Yup...that's why I don't do much gardening. We don't have fire ants but we have tons of regular ants. I HATE ants!!! :/

  2. Sorry about the car, stinks about the ants... but dang girlll those family pictures are AWESOMETASTIC! Love them! You are a hotness moster and the kiddos look wonderful. There is no picking favs, but one of them that is up there is the one with Ava looking through the chair with that big huge grin on her face! How can you not smile lookin at that? Where did ya'll take those at? I love the settings!

  3. arg! For the second week in a row blogger is refusing to stick your button at the bottom of my post. I'm so annoyed! Will try to fix it again!


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