Sunday, May 22, 2011

Highs and Lows, version 5.0

My link party is starting late today. My oldest had her birthday today, and it's been non-stop since this morning. IHOP for breakfast, skating rink for her party, Cici's for dinner. I'm pooped. 

But here we are again. Time for Highs and Lows. Pretty simple. Share the highs and lows of your week. I even had hubby make me a pretty button you can place on your blog.

Life, Crafts and Whatever


This special little lady turned 8 today. She had her party at the skating rink with a rock star theme. She said it was the best day of her life. I worked really hard on her party, so that made me feel really good.

The shirt I made her turned out really well. Even the DJ gave her a shout out. "The birthday girl with the awesome shirt". I wish I could take credit but I got the idea from this blog. Obviously with a few changes though. Arielle loved it.

Her cupcakes turned out freaking awesome. Instead of doing the normal "go buy a cake at Walmart" thang like I always do, I asked a lady at our church what she charges. For $8 more that I'd pay at Wally World, she did 24 cupcakes with pink, purple and green icing, with silver star edible glitter. They looked awesome. And she surprised us with a small personal cake for Arielle. Definitely worth checking out Poppy Locks if you're near Dallas. I made the cupcake picks and the wrappers with my Silhouette.

  • A new girl moved into the neighborhood. She's a grade older than Arielle, which is good. Arielle's been the oldest girl on the street for a while. She seems really sweet and polite. 
  • My father in law came into town for Arielle's birthday. We've enjoyed his visit, like always. 
  • Had a phenomenal Girls Night with my girlfriends. I heart the "INANTSADWG" ladies. 
  • Did Insanity three times this week. Awesomesauce. Did it last night with hubby and my father in law. Kept each other motivated.
  • I am freaking exhausted. I stress over every little detail when the success of an event relies on me. But Arielle loved it and told me thank you a billion times today. 
  • Idiots who don't understand the concept of an RSVP.  We invited 14 people to her party, and 7 showed. 4 RSVP'd. So I have a ton of cupcakes and party favors left over, and because they didn't RSVP, we missed out on inviting people to fill their spot. Ignorant assholes. Think about someone else for a minute. 
  • Girls sports seasons are over. Only really bummed about Arielle's softball being over. This year was her first year, and she's really good. Hit a home run during one game. I'm not so bummed about Jasmin's soccer games being over. Only because it's exhausting to have to keep telling her to pay attention to the ball. Or stop staring at the grass. Or playing in the dirt. Or to pay attention to what goal is theirs and stop kicking it the other way. Yeah, we're not doing soccer again next year for her.
  • they only had one hostess for 4 parties at the skating rink. So we ended up having to clean up ourselves, clean up spilled drinks, etc. Super frustrating, when part of the money you pay is for a hostess. Ended up sending them an email, I was too tired yesterday to complain.

So that was my week. I'm sure there were more highs and lows, but I'm freaking exhausted and it's time to go to bed. So link up. It's the cool thing to do.



  1. Been mulling over my highs and lows to find time to post....

    Glad Arielle liked her birthday party! Her mom rocks! I wish I was 8 so I could have come.

  2. That shirt is freaking awesome and her cupcakes are just fab!! What a lucky little girl she is to have a mommy who throws her an awesome party!!

  3. That shirt is adorable! I love it! I need to make some for Laci... You are an awesome mom! Hopefully you can find something for Jasmin to do that she enjoys as much as Arielle enjoys softball. Really sorry about the RSVP bummer! People are totally rude sometimes. Anyways, hope you have a great week! Stay stress free and keep up the good work on the workin' out!

  4. 3 people showed up that didn't RSVP? That is crazy! How do you not let anyone know that you are coming? For all you know the party was canceled.
    Bah. I'm so happy to hear that it went so well, considering the lack of staff. You should get a credit or something, I'm sure.
    ♥ you guys and wish I lived closer. You would have invited us, right? ;)

  5. i just found your it and LOVED this line in this post:

    Idiots who don't understand the concept of an RSVP. We invited 14 people to her party, and 7 showed. 4 RSVP'd. So I have a ton of cupcakes and party favors left over, and because they didn't RSVP, we missed out on inviting people to fill their spot. Ignorant assholes. Think about someone else for a minute.

    I TOTALLY can relate and feel that exact same way. The most freakin annoying thing is people not telling you if they are coming or not. HELLO? How am I supposed to plan for you and have goodie bags, food, etc if I don't know you are coming? HATE.

    I think I'm going to start putting this on my inviations:

    Deadline for responding is ________.
    After ___________, there is no guarantee you will have food or drink.

    I'm joking. Sort of. Maybe. (NOT REALLY)!



Yeah, you totally get 5 cool points for commenting.