Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Did you have a good Christmas? We did. As a mom, I think I get more excited for the girls than I do for myself. 

The night before, we did our traditional Christmas Eve stuff. The girls opened a present (new pajamas), we made some hot chocolate, and then drove around and looked at Christmas lights. 

I've said it before, but I freaking love our neighborhood. At one house, there was a man and woman, dressed up as Mr and Mrs Claus, passing out homemade cookies. And at another house in the neighborhood, starting at Thanksgiving there is a mailbox for Santa, where you can drop off your letters to him. 

Santa will then write you back and drop it off in your mailbox. I love that each girl got a different letter, so it felt really personal. 

Christmas day started off with the girls opening up their stockings, and then moving on to their presents. The older girls are getting to the age where they love clothes, so it was fun seeing them try on their new clothes. 

Yup, she picked out that hat. Homegirl likes bright colors. 

Ava got a new hat too (I love owls!) and a new CD player, since she decided to break hers two days before Christmas. 

I had an awesome Christmas. A new fixed lens for my Nikon (a 50mm 1.8), a crap ton of gift cards to Home Goods, some new Doc Martens, and a Silhouette Cameo!

And somehow we ended up with a white Christmas in Texas! My girls lasted all of 20 minutes before they were whining to come back in.

The funny thing is that when the girls opened their new hats, my father in law was wondering when they would be able to actually wear them (heck, we were in the 70's a week ago) but they certainly came in handy today. 

Merry Christmas!

7 people love me:

Janice said... [Reply to comment]

Belle got Thats exact same owl hat - well, not exact same because its pink, but I live it!

Merry Christmas!

Carla from The River said... [Reply to comment]

I love the photos in the snow.
Merry Christmas!

Yazmin said... [Reply to comment]

I got a nifty 50, too, for Christmas! Been playing with a zoom lens though and I don't see myself switching out anytime soon... hehe

Robin Adam said... [Reply to comment]

Wow!! All these pictures are really awesome and Thanks for sharing this blog!!
Merry Christmas!
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Ryan Axel said... [Reply to comment]

The night before, we did our traditional Christmas Eve stuff. The girls opened a present (new pajamas), made some hot chocolate, and then drove around and looked at Christmas lights. Thank you so much for sharing your hard work with us about Christmas culture.
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