Friday, May 11, 2012

InstaFriday. The May edition, yo.

So, I'm way behind on InstaFriday, but here we go.

Hubby was convinced that Mother's Day was on Tuesday (he put it in his computer calendar as a date last year, instead of such and such Sunday). So we went to Red Lobster last weekend to beat the "Mother's Day rush" on Tuesday. Oops.

I will be 20 weeks pregnant on Sunday, which means we are halfway there! Still no clue on names, just have the middle name. So for now, we've been calling her "What's her name". Like "hey honey, what's her name is moving right now if you want to feel her."

So, this is why shopping takes so long. Ava insists on pushing the cart now. TAKES FOREVER.

Oh, you didn't know that I was the world's best daughter in law? My father in law (Hi Steve!) sent me this for Mother's Day with strict instructions not to share. But you know I did.

Sometimes we pretend to like to do things as a family and go for morning walks. Jasmin dressed herself, I do not claim this outfit. I'm kind of in the picture too, that's my shadow next to the dog who is so fat that she's convinced that a walk means certain death so we end up having to drag her along.

Ava picked out her outfit after her bath. Someone thinks she's stylin!

Those scars are from her seven surgeries. The long horizontal scar is from two surgeries (pyloromyotomy and to fix a hiatal hernia), her man made belly button is from her 4 surgeries from gastroschisis, and the vertical scar underneath is from her last emergency surgery for a bowel obstruction. She's my tough girl! 

Ava loves to play with my phone, which means I end up with a ton of photos like this.

I saw these on a car this weekend. I told hubby that I was going to put some on the van. He asked me "Do you own a van that I don't know about, cause those aren't going on this one."

The fabric I showed ya a  couple of weeks ago? I've been working on it. Usually it's my mom behind the machine, but I took over for a few minutes. Her job is to sew, mine is to arrange to squares and hand them to her. Yes, the baby is attached to my hip. She's convinced that if she's more than 4 feet from me that she'll die.

And here is a sneak peek. We still need 5 more rows, and then the border. It's my first attempt at a puff quilt and I'm in LOVE. I found the tutorial online, but I'll do a tutorial with things I've learned when it's completed.


  1. your quilt is looking awesome!!! so cool! And what a cute baby bump :)

  2. Love the quilt - ti looks so girly! I made a puff quilt in high school and they suggested sticking a penny in each square - both to give it a little extra weight and as a keepsake. Those pennies may be worth something in 50 years! It would be nice to make them with all new pennies to celebrate this little one's birth year.

  3. That quilt is turning out AMAZING!! I can't wait to see the final product!!

  4. Hi Jen, I've missed reading your blog! That quilt is AMAZING; I'm so that the pattern from Honeybear Lane?

  5. Just discovered your blog and love it. I am following you and I hope to see you at My Dream Canvas


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