Friday, February 24, 2012

InstaFriday. I'm on time, suckas!.

I'm actually posting a post on THE day it's SUPPOSED to be posted. What what!

life rearranged

My absolute, favorite part of the day. Ava LOVES bath time. When you say "Do you want to take a bath?" she'll start to squeal and try and take off her clothes.

We all know how much I love Ava's curls. I just didn't realize how long they were getting. 

Ordered some cake pops from a friend. Ava loved hers!

Going thru my phone for pics for InstaFriday, you'd think I only have one kid. But with the older girls in school all day, I hardly get a chance to take pics. So I snapped these this morning. My kitchen is messy, blah.

Jasmin's fake smile always makes her look a little drunk. 

Ava LOVES to play with Arielle, and always ends up wearing some of her stuff. 

Do you think that dogs can tell when you're pregnant? Titan has been stuck up my butt lately. 

One of my favorite parts of this week? Seeing our bebe. I'm measuring 3 days ahead, so things are right on track. 

The nurse asked me what vitamins I'm taking, and I told her that I'm taking a one-a-day, but I was having a hard time with how big they are. So she told me that she'd give me a sample of some different ones. I was expecting a couple of boxes, but she gave me enough for a month. I heart free stuff. And I like these. 

Ava and I are twins today. Who doesn't love pink penguin jammies? 

Again, Titan, won't leave my side.



  1. So cute girl :) You look way too cozy in those pjs , he he. Ava has the cutest smile in her bath pics,,, ahhhh, I miss those days.

    Take care mama, hope the new pills are easier to swallow, and you start feeling better soon :)

    Hugs, Bella :)
    Bella Before and After
    Euro Style Cakes.

  2. how beautiful are your kiddos! love all the pics!

  3. That picture of Ava in the bath is SOOOOOOOOO cute!

  4. Thanks for stopping by Pink Lady! I am now following your blog :) Holly

  5. oh my gosh, those curls and those eyelashes! congrats on baby in the oven, too!

  6. The curls are so cute! The pjs look comfy! congrats on the baby!

  7. Those matching PJ's are the cutest!! Ava just melts my heart with that gorgeous smile of hers!

  8. Hi Jennifer! I came across your blog from reading Megan's and I love reading it! I've been reading your blog from start to finish and I love your spunky personality. You and your family are gorgeous! Keep up all the great work, especially all the DIY projects! It's very motivating and inspiring.

  9. I ♥ your family. I know what you mean about only taking photos of 1 kid. Alli is just around me more...posing more...being a girly girl! The boys want nothing to do with the camera.

  10. Your daughters are beautiful! And I love the dog. Congrats on the pregnancy....when are you do? I guess I could go and read the back posts I've missed while Life keeps getting in the way of my blog writing and blog reading. Have a great day!


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