Monday, September 5, 2011

Highs and Lows, holy cow it's September

So here we are again. Time for Highs and Lows. Pretty simple. Share the highs and lows of your week.

Life, Crafts and Whatever


  • Ugh, I cannot sleep for crap lately. There was the sleep deprivation from Ava's stay in the hospital. Then I was up sick one night (no, not pregnant) and then a couple of nights I drank iced tea too late at night, so I had to keep getting up to pee (no, still not pregnant). Then I wasn't sleeping well, so when hubby's alarm would alarm at 5:30, it would wake me up (when I can always sleep thru it). So waking up so early makes me tired at like 7:30 or 8pm. I force myself to stay up until 9, but I'm still waking up at 5:45 most mornings. Ultimate suckage.
  • I had hubby take my "Before" pics and uploadeded to the FB page for the Kettlebell fitness challenge. I was brave and did my pics in boyshorts and a sports bra. I figure I can't really appreciate the "after" pics in 8 weeks if I'm all covered up in a tank top and pants. But damn, seeing the before pic was pretty depressing. I'm not going to make excuses, like I just got finished with my time of the month. Or Ava's party was Saturday and I OD'ed on sweets. Or my father in law is in town and we've eaten out for every meal. So I think my "before" pic isn't entirely accurate, but I was pretty upset. But a picture doesn't lie, right? Oh well, prepare for epic amounts of hotness in 8 weeks. 


Ava had her birthday party Saturday, and it was a success! The guest of honor decided to not try and die again, and grace us with her presence.

The photobooth was a big hit. Everyone seemed to love it, and when I browse thru FB, I see a ton of my friends have their photobooth pic as their profile pic. Score!

Had a great time on Friday with Julie from It's Sew Stinkin Cute. She took Friday off of work to help me make all of the food. Everyone seemed to like the food at the party. We had some leftovers, but not a ton, which is awesome. Nothing worse than running out of food, or having leftover to eat for days on end.

  • The Kettlebell fitness challenge started today! Goodbye to feeling frumpy and fluffy and sucky "before" pics. It probably doesn't help that hubby went and got donuts and Coke this morning, eek.
  • My father in law was in town for the weekend, which means good food and good conversations. 
  • Had a date night with hubby on Wednesday night. Our friends gave us tickets to go see Warrior (totally up hubby's alley since it's an MMA movie). My mom watched the girls, so yay for free babysitting. We went to Jason's Deli and I had the seafood gumbo. YUM. 
  • I've been wanting a new pair of boots for a while. Found a pair of Doc Martens that I really love, found them on sale, plus free shipping. Then found a 20% off coupon for Labor Day weekend. Used the money I made from the ads on my blog to pay for them, so basically free. LOVE it! 
  • I won the big $200 anniversary blog giveaway over at Bella Before and After! Which couldn't have come at a better time, with all the stress of Ava's party and her 7th surgery. I got a stencil from Cutting Edge that I've been eyeing for FOREVER, two necklaces from my girl Lesley at Fabulously Flawed, and a couple of other things. The stencil got here on Saturday, I love it! Can't wait to get started on my bedroom! 

So there you have it, my highs and lows for September. It's lovely outside, the windows are open, and it's not 100 degrees like it has been for the past billion days. I'm in a great mood, the weekend was so fabulous that my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. I love that little girl of mine, I'm so thankful for her.



  1. What a great week, ladyface!
    Loved your highs and your lows were meh so a totally stellar week!

  2. Love that Ava is doing so well! Looks like you had a fabulous party, too!

  3. Nice week! And so glad Ava got her party! Wish I could have come help you eat stuff.

  4. You won a $200 giveaway??? LUCKY!!!

    "Before" pics are the worst. I hope this kettlebell thing works for you; I thought about doing the challenge for like, a second, then decided it would cramp my lazy, slovenly, muffin-top style. LOL!

    That little Ava is too cute! So happy you could finally have her birthday party :)

  5. My first post on here but I've read you forevery (I think that's called lurking! )

    My 24 yr old daughter became engaged on the Friday of Labor Day Weekend. Her last 3 years have been consumed by a condition called Pseudotumor cerebri and 3 shunt surgeries. Glad the butterfly of happiness has landed at her feet.


Yeah, you totally get 5 cool points for commenting.