Monday, September 19, 2011

Highs and Lows 9-19

So here we are again. Time for Highs and Lows. Pretty simple. Share the highs and lows of your week.

Life, Crafts and Whatever

  • Decided I'd be a good wife and clean and organize all of my make up that's been sitting on the counter since, I dunno, forever. Went to Walmart, bought some little containers, organized all of my make up. But as I was getting out all of my nail polish, I dropped one. And yes, you can guess what happened next. Yes, a completely full, dark purplish black nail polish shattered, spraying nail polish all over the tiles and cabinets. Did I mention that I was wearing brand new nice jeans? And that I only had 1/4 left in my nail polish remover bottle? Took me FOREVER to clean it up, and I'm pretty sure I lost a few hundred brain cells from all of those fumes. 

  • Last week I had a couple of sales in my sadly neglected Etsy shop, which motivated me to start making stuff again. It's been nice having that motivation, I've gotten really lazy with it. 
  • I didn't realize my middle daughter's birthday was coming up so soon, it's on October 8th. She asked for a skating party, only because she wants to do everything exactly like her older sister, and older sister had a skating party. But I played up the idea of a house party, with a pinata, sack races, etc, so she's really pumped. We're doing a monster theme, so I've been pinning different ideas. 
  • I'm still doing my kettlebell fitness challenge, and running in the evenings with hubby. I've lost 2 lbs, and an inch off of my waist (and gained an inch in my thighs). I'm excited. I bought some new running shoes, and some new shorts (in a size smaller!).
  • Ava had her post surgery check up, and the surgeon said she was perfect! There is a 5% chance that she'll have another obstruction in the future, but I'll take 95% that she won't.
  • Totally silly high. Hubby and I play Alice: Madness Returns. It's only a one player game, but we take turns. He's better at the fighting parts. But he was stuck on one bad guy, and guess who was able to beat it! Me! Yes me, the one who gets killed constantly, beat the bad guy on my 3rd try. What what!
  • I won some pretty cool lots on etsy for jewelry destash. I'm excited to get my hands on it and see what I can make. 
So that's all I can think of, I think it was a good week.


  1. That TOTALLY sucks about the nail polish. I thought it was bad that I tried to polish my nail near little miss and she kept jabbing her fingers into my wet polish. Ugg.

    And I saw all the monster stuff you've been pinning. It's all so cute!

    I can relate to your Alice high. Jason beats me at EVERYTHING like that. If I could kill the bad guy he couldn't I'd be stoked for a week!

  2. I'm a little addicted to a game and everyone thinks I'm a dork for it...but I don't care. It's boss when I beat a part that hubby can't!

    I'm happy to hear that your highs are sweet and your low was something that could be cleaned away!

  3. Totally sucks about the nail polish. I've been there and didn't have the remover... There's still a slight stain!

    Love your highs though!

  4. Sorry about the nail polish... I would have died... Well on the upside you have some jeans you can paint in or try something funky with. Sorry trying to make the glass 1/2 full. I look forward to seeing you again soon!


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