Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Meet You, Enhanced + Discount code

You know how I was talking about how I got some super awesome sponsors for my blog, right? 

It's harder than you'd think to write a sponsor spotlight post. You want to make sure you talk about how adorable the shop owner is (which she is, check out the hottie in the picture). And you want to make sure you talk about how awesome her shop is (which it is) and how much you love the item you got to try out (which I do and I'm actually wearing right now). 

Today I get the pleasure of introducing you to Nikki from You, Enhanced.
Hi, I'm Nicole...but go by Nikki. I'm a mom of two very energetic girls, Isabella 7 and Brooklyn 1.5. And wifey to JR, the most amazing man you'll ever meet. I work full-time and when the kiddos go to sleep is when I design. I started thinking about having an Etsy shop when I was on my maternity leave after having Brooklyn and I had some time on my hands. My bff, has an etsy shop and she was my inspiration to actually go and do it. I did a lot of research, talk to a lot of people and then I finally decided on a name for the shop, when I was driving. It was kind of a light bulb moment for me. You, Enhanced. My thought, you just want to add something to yourself, thus enhancing the you you feel you are. Simple. And at that moment, You, Enhanced became real.

Nikki's shop is full of awesome things. I mean, what girl doesn't love jewelry? Wanna see a few of my favorites? Yup, thought you would.

How cool is this traveler necklace? What girl doesn't dream of hopping on a plane, camera and passport in hand? And bronze is one of my favorite colors for jewelry. 

I love necklaces like this. Ones that look great with a tank top and flip flops, or a black dress and heels. Versatile jewelry is always a plus.

How freaking fun is this tool girl necklace? Seriously. I love the juxtaposition of the girly jewelry with the non-girly theme. I don't think you would wear this necklace and not smile.

And there's even more in her shop. Beach theme jewelry? Yup. Western outlaw theme necklace? Yup. Old school cassette and kicks necklace? Got that too. Totally brings me back to the 80's when I had a red cassette player with an NKOTB tape that I wore out.

Nikki's such a doll, she sent me this awesome necklace. I feel like superhero with it on. Like I could knock out bad guys with one punch, wearing a super hot outfit with bad ass boots on. POW. 

And, because I thought it was gorgeous, check out the packaging it came in. I LOVE LOVE LOVE when sellers take the time to make the packaging as pretty as the item. Who wouldn't love to get something wrapped in this? Did I mention that Nikki sews these herself? Talk about going the extra mile. Even my 5 year old realized how awesome this draw string bag was and stole borrowed it as soon as I layed it down on the counter. I think now it's living life as a Barbie purse.

Nikki is so awesome, she's offering LCW readers a discount.
15% off

code: JenRocks15  <---- coolest discount code EVER.
So let's give Nikki a nice warm LCW welcome, and swing by her shop and check out all of the pretties, you're going to love what you see. Maybe you could get a "Pow" necklace for yourself and we can be bad ass superhero hotties together.

Oh, and as if all of the eye candy isn't reward enough, there's more! Be looking for a giveaway from the fabulous Miss Nikki in the coming weeks!



  1. aw, the tool girl necklace is SO reminds me of my BFF :) Going to check out her shop!

  2. So awesome! I love love love the rain drops and peacock necklaces!

  3. Wow! The Three Ovals Silver Necklace is absolutely perfect for summer! I want now.
    Great sponsor! I can't wait to see more of her on here! ♥

  4. Not sure which one I like better... the silver ovals would go with anything, but the Love period necklace was awesome! What a great sponsor!


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