Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Meet Meggie's Love + Discount Code

Did you ever watch the show "Friends"? Remember Rachel Green? The girl who was so pretty that you weren't sure if you were supposed to like her, but she was so stinking adorable that you couldn't help but love her anyway? That's how I think about my next sponsor that I get the pleasure of introducing you to. Megan, from Meggie's Love, is just like Rachel Green. Gorgeous, adorable, super sweet and uber talented. 

Not only is Megan all of the things that I just described, she's also a triplet. (or is it she's part of a triplet? I dunno). Her and her gorgeous sisters blog at Traveling Triplets, where they post gorgeous pictures of places they travel to. 

Megan has an adorable etsy shop that I fell in LOVE with. I would totally rock this in the hot summer heat of Texas, just cause it's that adorable. Hand crocheted, with a one of a kind button that she found in China? Too cute.


As adorable as her crochet stuff is, what Megan is famous for are her watches! Yes, these are the same watches that were featured on The Daybrook. She's big time, folks.

 The girl and the watch are gorgeous, right? Want more eye candy?

Megan sent me this watch in my favorite colors, turquoise and red. I heart it. Like, a LOT. I was a little unsure on how to put it on at first, but after watching Megan's instructional video, I had it on in under a minute. 

I get so many freaking compliments on this thing when I wear it. It seriously jazzes up even the most plain outfit. I was wearing a boring black tank and capris, and the watch really added a great pop of color and fun to my outfit. Score.

Megan is such a doll, she's offering up a 15% discount code, just for LCW readers!

That rockin' discount code is lcw15

This discount code expires on August 2nd (my birthday!) so hurry up and order. Who doesn't want to save money and look cute at the same time? 


  1. Those are pretty stinkin awesome... I may have to get me the black band with turquoise one... It is such a beauty... I love turquoise and black... She is adorable too by the way... you are right, she reminds me of Rachel...

  2. ooh, love the watches! And she is adorable!

  3. shout out to meggies love! she is my triplet sister and i love her to death - thanks for sharing this post! love it. your watch looks smashing on you :)

  4. thank you so much, you are so sweet. haha jennifer aniston?! wow that is a compliment! its been awesome working with you thanks again :) you make my watches look gooooooood!

  5. These watches are too cute! I love them. I'm glad I watched the instructional video too...I would never have thought to pull down the loop to put your wrist through. :)

  6. love love me some meggieslove :) glad you enjoy too! im her other sis, lisa! the girl in the pic with the black on black watch ;)!! i enjoy your bloggy!!


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