Monday, July 11, 2011

Highs & Lows 7/11/11

So, I'm late this week with my H&L post. We're on vacation in St Louis, came up here for a wedding. And besides not having much free time, he doesn't have wifi, so I can't get on my computer here at his casa. But they're all at the swimming pool, so I've commandeered his computer.

Most of this post will be vacay based, I'm sure, cause you always have a rockin' time on vacation.

Life, Crafts and Whatever


We all went to the St Louis zoo. It's free to get in (wish the Dallas zoo was like that). The girls had a great time, and Ava did too. You could always tell when she'd finally see the animal cause she'd start to wave at it.

We took the girls to the City Museum. Super cool place, hard to describe. Imagine a 10 story slide, hidey holes and tunnels everywhere, and lotsa fun stuff for a kid to do, all wrapped up in one place. The girls are standing on top of the roof in this pic, about to go down a huge slide. Yes, that's a giant praying mantis in the background.

Went to a bar called Big Daddy's with two of my girlfriends. Got hit on more times than I counted, which is always a huge ego boost when you've got three kids back at home with grandpa. Decided I'm too old to go out and party. Ugh, kicks my butt.

Went to a beautiful wedding. Congrats Pat and Jen! Was able to hang out with a bunch of old friends, met them all in a car club I was in. Yes, a car club. My car had a carbon fiber hood, 18 inch rims, a body kit, lambo doors.... Crazy, huh?

Got to have a BBQ with my bestie Angie. Love her! Met her 8 years ago when I was bawling and needed a phone. Banged on her front door, she opened it and let me in, no questions asked, and she had never met me before. Been great friends ever since. Still talk to her 2-3 times a week. 

Took the older 2 girls to Dave N Busters, and some of our friends met us up there. Super fun time, especially when my oldest daughter beat hubby and Kevin at a racing game.

  • Had a fabulous time with my husband, had a couple of dates thanks to my awesome father in law watching the girls. Even went back to the first spot that he said he loved me and took a pic (the third pic).

  • Hubby went to court for his expired tags ticket, and it was dismissed.

  • Repaired a few broken bridges with some people. Long overdue and needed to be done.  Got tired of everyone pointing fingers at who did what. Who the hell really cares, anyway? Time to get over it.

  • Ava did not want to be in her carseat, and let us know that. She whined the whole trip, except for a one hour stretch where she fell asleep (on an 11 hour car ride). Imagine a sound that makes you want to stick your finger into your brain, just so you can't hear it anymore. Yeah, that's the noise she made for hours. I told her that if she didn't quit it that I was going to drop her off at a church, but she didn't believe me. Hoping that she got it all out of her system before the car ride back home tomorrow.

  • I am so stinkin' sick of eating out. Every. Single. Meal. I'm making the biggest chicken broccoli casserole when I get home.

  • I have like 700 unread posts in my google reader. Ugh. Did a search for my name first to make sure I didn't miss a giveaway that I won, then marked them all as read. Ugh, too much to catch up on.

I think that's it, dear reader. But I'm tired and can't think anymore.



  1. woah, i didn't know you could search reader for things. you are so smart.

    all the pics look great! so cool about your friend angie. too precious :)

  2. Sounds like you are having a great trip! Sorry to hear about Ava and the car seat. That is one of the most HORRIBLE situations being trapped like that! Hate it!

  3. As if I didn't already love you--um, car club? *raises hand* Me too baby! *sigh* cars. NOPI. I better not go any further or it'll remind me how old I *really* am lol :)

  4. Can I just say that I absolutely love that you were a racer girl! I was so into that scene back in the day and all the night races...awww the days!

    Poor Ava :(


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