Sunday, May 15, 2011

Co-hosting Creative Bloggers Party & Hop #7

So, it's official. I rock. SJ asked me to co-host today's Creative Bloggers Party & Hop.

Oh, you don't know who SJ is? She's the blogger behind Homemaker on a Dime. Her tagline is a "Quest for a million bucks look on a dime's budget". I think that's what we all try to do, right? You'll find a bunch of great projects on her blog, and reading her blog feels like having a casual conversation with a girlfriend.

You wanna play along? Do ya? Do ya? All you have to do is

1) link up whatever creative post you'd like to share - can be a DIY project, decor, photography, crafts, recipes, poem, thrift finds, or that informative syndicated post that can make us laugh, or cry . Basically  if you've blogged about it, and you heart it, link it up, sista.

2) Then follow as many blogs as your heart desires, preferably starting first with the one before you and after you, before branching out. Following the host and co-host, too, will be very much appreciated, and we'll definitely follow back. We're awesome like that.

You’re not required to include the party button, but if you’re so inclined to display it in your blog or your post, you’re very much welcome to do so :)

This is a combination of linky party (where we can show off our creations) and of blog hop (where we can follow as many excellent bloggers as we like), hence the name Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop.

Link opens up every Sunday at 5:00 pm, PST.

Because we like something different, we're using the reverse entry for inlinkz - so the most recent participant will show up as number 1, giving everybody a chance to get the #1 spot.

Following me is awesome. Me following you in return is awesome. Let's both be awesome, k?



  1. Woo hoo! 5 Cool points to me! :) Found you because SJ invited me to join in the fun and I'm your latest follower. I do hope you'll come check me out too. Wait, that sounds like a bad pick up line. Oops. You know what I meant. :)

  2. Holy crap, woman! I turn of the computer for a couple hours and you start a linky, hoppy crazy post and already have 65 million links!

    I will NOT be linking up the "I feel like a tank" maternity sized pink swirly pajama pants that I attempted to make for myself this weekend. I envisioned flowy, cottony comfort. What I got was tight, oddly twisted high waters that seriously do not even reach half way up my ever-lovin' butt. What? How does one screw up PAJAMA PANTS? Sad, very sad. But your participants look like they have talent. I'll be perusing them.

  3. Hi Jennifer, coming from SJ's...congrats on co-hosting! You have a fun blog, I'll be back for more great reading! Have a great week!

  4. @Whimsy-ma-blog have me cracking up! I now must swing by your blog and check you out :)

  5. I'm a new follower! Thanks for the invite...some great link-ups!

  6. I'm following you from homemaker, your blog is awesome! :)

  7. Congrats for being a guest host. I’m a new follower, and this hop is found on a page on my site that lists more than 150 hops for each day of the week. Check under the header for the link to that page.
    I hope you’ll visit me soon and follow back!

  8. Thanks for co-hosting! I love linky parties because I get to "meet" so many cool people like you! Following you now!

  9. Having fun checking out the links.

    New follower. :)

  10. Just wanted to say hi, I'm your newest follower. I'd love if it you'd check out my site sometime as well.


Yeah, you totally get 5 cool points for commenting.