Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Happy Anniversary to.... me!

Three years ago today, I married the man of my dreams.

The man I've loved for the past four and a half years. The man who put me before his family, his job, everything. Packed up and moved 700 miles, leaving everyone and everything he knew, just to be with me.

The man who loves my children, never calling them his "step-daughters". Always accepting them as his own.

The man who's been the type of daddy that my girls deserve.

The man who's always been my shoulder to lean on.

The man who always makes me laugh, no matter what life throws my way.

The man who helped me through the hardest time in my life, those long months in the NICU. He showed me that I could be stronger than I ever imagined.

The man who makes me fall in love with him all over again, every time I see him with our baby.

The man who makes my life complete.

Happy Anniversary, bebe! Don't know what I would do without you. Looking forward to so many more years!



  1. Happy Anniversary!
    All children deserve a GREAT Daddy no matter whether biological or not.
    My brother adopted his oldest and is the Best Daddy to her :D

  2. Congrats!!! :) You have a lovely family! ;)

  3. congratulations! i love that black & white dress -- was that your wedding dress? GORGEOUS!

  4. Aw, what a sweet post! Congratulations on your anniversary -- I hope there are more than you can even count waiting for you in the future :)


  5. Congratulations! And happy anniversary. :)

    -Helen from Bettencourt Chase

  6. Happy Anniversary!! You have a BEAUTIFUL family!!

  7. Thanks baby! Wouldn't do it for anybody else in the world. And I'd post about you on my blog if I had one. Love you bunches.

    Me :)

  8. What a beautiful post - and a beautiful family. It's nice to someone who knows how lucky they are and gives it right back to the person who loves them. You are truly blessed.

  9. Happy Anniversary to you and your happily loved life full of family and happiness and love! xox!

  10. Happy Anniversary to the both of you!


  11. Awww.. I wanted to cry reading this... it is truly amazing when you find the perfect person. Congrats on the anniversary and look forward to reading MANY more posts like this in the future!

  12. Aw, what a sweet post! I love it when women find the "good guys". I married one of those, too :) Happy Anniversary!!!

  13. Such a sweet post! I'm new to your blog and just have fallen in love with your family--I'm following now :) Looking forward to reading more and learning more, great blog!

    If you have the time, I'd love for you to check out my blog:

    Have a great day!


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