Saturday, March 19, 2011

Boot Crisis! Begging and pleading for your help!

So, I've been on the hunt for the perfect pair of gray knee high boots. Checked the mall, online, etc. Finally found the PERFECT ones in my price range, and of course, they don't have my size online. What are these perfect boots that I must own or I'll curl up and die, you ask?

And what is the store that has them, but only has them in a size 11 online? That would be Target.

When I went thru the reviews, it looks like people are still finding them in stores, sometimes even on clearance. But apparently where I live in Texas is sucky, and I'm unable to find them.

So this is where you come in, dear reader. With the insane price of gas, I don't expect you to run out to Target on the hunt for these. Not that I'd stop you if you did. But the next time you're in Target, if you wouldn't mind hitting up the shoe section and looking to see if your Target is awesomer than mine and if they carry these.

Looking for a size 7, but I'm sure I could make a 6.5 work. Or 7.5. I really want these if you couldn't tell.

So if they have them, if you'd pick them up for me and mail them to me. I'd reimburse you the cost of the boot (hopefully on clearance) and the shipping. And hell, I'll even throw in an extra $5 so you can have a Starbucks coffee, on me.



  1. No luck here either...I've been wanting a pair of these for a while now. I'm a 6.5 too (I've looked for 6, 6.5, and 7). Sorry...

  2. Ooh, I love 'em! Too bad I live in the butt crack of nowhere and the closest Target is 100 miles away. :( It's tragic, really. Or I'd go shopping for you and me.

  3. Hey girl.. I'll look at my Target tomorrow and let you know. I am coming to Rockwall this Mon-Friday so if I find them, they are yours this week! :) I'll keep you posted!

  4. Hahaha! I LOVE that you just blogged about this - hopefully you'll find your boots! If I had a Target in my town {which I totally don't - I know, so, so, so sad} I would look for you :)

  5. Awww, I also loved that you just blogged about this! :o) We live in Germany so no Target! When we do make it back to the states I spend, hours ... literally hours walking around the store! Hope someone is able to find your boots!

  6. Don't you love the power of the internet?? I hope you find them!

    Did you know that you can look online to find out if a specific Target has an item in stock? I will email you with the specifics!

  7. No Trrrget in the forest. I did find a bear, however. I didn't need my left hand anyways.

  8. Great Boots!

    Sorry, I'm issues, ugh! Thanks for following my blog! I'm now following you back :)

    Thanks Bunches, Misty
    Misty's Thoughts Too


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