Friday, December 31, 2010

My life in 2010

My good friend Megan did a super cute post on her blog entitled "How a baby changes in a year." I thought it'd be fun to do my own spin on it, and sum up my life over the past year.

Our house was finished in January and we moved in on the 19th

Pulling up the SOLD sign, it's officially ours!
It actually snowed in Texas on the first day of Spring
Jake and Arielle went to a Father/Daughter Dance
Grandpa Steve and Aunt Sam came to visit
Girls at the Fort Worth Zoo
Easter egg hunt at the local park.
The Easter bunny brought the girls a new swingset
I threw a surprise birthday BBQ party for Jake and had all his friends show up and surprise him
Our two year wedding anniversary at Three Forks Restaurant
My best friend Erin came to visit from St Louis
My oldest daughter turned 7. She had a skating party
Jasmin at Arielle's party

Arielle graduating First Grade
Jake bought us ticket to see Wicked, it was AMAZING
Aunt Sam, her boyfriend, and Grandpa Steve came to visit again
The girls both got new bikes
We spent a lot of time at the pool
Us on my birthday
Waiting to get wheeled into the surgery room for my c-section
Our miracle baby is born
Arielle and Jasmin started school. 2nd grade for Arielle, pre-k for Jasmin.
Still in the NICU
The girls started going to Awana at church
Ava with her corpak feeding tube in the NICU

We took the girls to the State Fair
That's Jake and Arielle way at the top
Ava's going home outfit, made by my good friend Erin S. She came home at 66 days.

Grandpa came to visit. Ava's pictures above done by the amazing Jill Cornelius. Blogger won't let me add a caption to that pic, grrrrrrr.
Carving pumpkins with Dad
Scare in the Square
Halloween night
Our family pics by the amazing Nikki B

Family pics with Grandpa Steve and Aunt Sam. Our photographer is none other than Nikki B
The girls visiting Santa
Our girls in front of the tree with their Christmas pj's
Thanks for sharing along with me on my journey through 2010. I can't wait to see what 2011 brings!


  1. Ummm your blog looks awesome! Love the colors! I saw Wicked too, LOVED IT!! Now instead of seeing awesome adult shows, I buy tickets for Elmo Live {haha so is life with kids, huh?} Can't wait to see what the new year holds!

  2. Thanks! I love being married to a graphic designer. There are still a few things I want him to do, like tabs across the top, but I have to wait until his freelance frees up a bit. Wicked made me cry, it was so good! I read the book first, but the play was amazing. 2010 was so crazy thanks to Ava, but I'm ready for a low-key, slightly boring year, lol!

  3. Looks like a full year! Beautiful house and family. Thanks for finding my blog and inviting me over.

  4. cool recap, and thanks so much for the plugs! happy new year!

  5. What a busy year! Your new house looks beautiful!

  6. Such a beautiful family...and congrats on the new little one.


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